My interview with Tommy

Nice one, thank you! :)

I hope I didn't ask too many 'beginners' questions. :Spin:

Hey, I have made my living by interviewing people over 12 years now and I can tell you there are no beginners questions. I mean, one good thing beeing a journalist is that you got permission to ask stupid questions as much as you like. :D
That was a great, in depth interview.

It's actually the same thing with "Banish The Wicked" from "Waiting In The Wings". It has the same kind of feeling. That song is about the Aurora Borealis, the Northern Lights. People believed in these things too and worshiped it like a goddess. They believed it had magical powers, which empowered it to decide what happens on earth.

It was awesome to see this, I thought this a while ago but never had any confirmation from anyone else.
I had already written about this in the Kamelot tour topic. Well, I had the honor and pleasure to do an interview with Tommy when he was with Kamelot on tour and they had their concert in Stuttgart.

It took me a while to transcript the whole thing, but it's finally finished and now online. :)

I hope I didn't ask too many 'beginners' questions. :Spin:

I cant enter the site, the link seems to be broken, does anyone know what is going on?
Thanks for the interview and the post, Xandra!

(Both links work fine, by the way)
Fantastic interview!!! now I have a different prespective of the all SW scene and the members, Tommy seems to be very nice!

Congratulations Xandra!
I dont know what´s going on but i cant get in, maybe if it´s not too much to ask, someone could copy the interview to a word file or something and sending it to my email would be awesome...
my email is:

thanks in advance!