My last haul in USA


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Well I guess all good things come to an end. And buying CDs easily online is one of them. Soon I'll be flying home where dollars are expensive, euros are a dream and CDs most probably will be a luxury out of my income possibilities

Anyway, I ended on a high note (IMO) and that's what it counts.

Dream Evil - "The Book Of Heavy Metal" : third year in a row that what started as a side prokect I guess has transform in a true band commited to carry on the flame of true heavy metal in the vein that Judas Priest, Saxon, Mesmerize and Majesty (to name a few) trying to do it.
The band looks (in the booklet) seems darker and coming out from Mad Max or The Chronicles Of Riddick
, but the music speaks for itself. The formula is the same as its previous efforts, no surprises, no deviations, no evolution or involution (I guess that AC/DC and Motorhead has proved long ago that stick to a formula works). The vocals courtesy of Niklas Isfeldt are as energetic as always, but I detect a slight moire polished work in Gus G guitar playing (especially in the soloing). Snowy Shaw besides the pounderous drumming contributes extensively to the composition, which is really good, because the guy knows the business (look at Memento Mori as an example). All songs are catchy and melodic, 'Chosen Twice' uses a nice chorus and the lyrics are evily cheesy but the song is so nice that if you don't read it you may even believe is a damn symphonic ballad
In general terms the lyrics a no brainers, but if i look for intelligent ohilosophy I would like elsehwere not in a solid metal album like this. The only ballad will be the long (8:23) ending 'Unbreakable Chain'. In any case, third in a row and no misses yet.
This version comes with a DVD with images of the live tour 2003 (including live footage etc) and the making of the new album, plus a CD-ROM video in the main CD.

Skyclad - "A Semblance Of Normality" : The album is very different from all predecessors, not only in the vocals and lyrics (Martin is no longer here), but also in the approach to the music. The opener 'Intro/Do They Mean Us?' is very folky/metal Skyclad, the next one ('A Good Day to Bury Bad News') is much more heavy metal and less folky, then 'Anotherdrinkingsong' goes back to standard Skyclad on the "Vintage Whine", "Irrational Anthems" style, mixing power, folk and classic metal. The album develops nicely song after song until 'Ten Little Kingdoms' come the song goes fast and heavy with half declamation (I wouldn't call it rappping) and have chorus. The guitar is fierce and except of a little soft change in the middle the song goes kind of thrashy/punk (like a soft Warfare). The rest of the album continues up to the end again in the vein of "Irrational Antems" or "Vintage Whine" (IMO). Martin may not be here, and the original thrash approach of "The Wayward Sons Of Mother Earth" isn't here either, but the album is a dignifying to the band history as any other one. If they can continue holding on this path, we'll have Skyclad for many more years.
Production of course always in Kevin's hands and mixing by Dario Mollo (yeah the same guy that works with Tony Martin in The Cage project).
Some of you may have regrets for this one, buy I'll say this ain't "Factor X" or "Jugulator", have no fear Skyclad still here.

Ayreon - "The Human Equation" : Usually Arjen Lucassen's project get the top line, but this year Wolf, Manigance and Maledicition are kicking so much butt that poor Arjen in all his greatness can't go to top one

Since Hawk wrote much more about it in another tread I'm going to limit my presentation here.
The vocal works stole the spotlight, Akerfeldt can deliver the most melodic soft vocals and growls almost worhty of Corpsegrind Fisher. The newcomer Bocio have a beautiful voice and Baker plays the evil father with an extraordinary energy and dark edge. And James LaBrie sounds better than in any Dream Theater album IMO.
The album comes as 2 CD in a jewel case, plus a DVD with all the work of the album, interviews, etc., on a slim case, both inside a nice box (standard size).
If you are an Ayreon fan this will give you exactly ehat you want, if you are not a fan yet or familiar with his work I'll recommend "Into The Electric Castle" and "The Universal Migrator 1&2" as beginners.
Wyvern said:
Well I guess all good things come to an end. And buying CDs easily online is one of them. Soon I'll be flying home where dollars are expensive, euros are a dream and CDs most probably will be a luxury out of my income possibilities

Anyway, I ended on a high note (IMO) and that's what it counts.

Welll maybe you can come back here soon Wyvern. Will you have net access when you get back home ?

Yes. I meant the life expendings are going to be higher and my salary lower, but I already have broadband there (cable modem) so I just want to hook my new computer there :muahaha:
And as for buying CDs I still can buy online (I have a courier system from Miami) so I have a P.O.Box in Florida that can use for my online purchases (i used for years before coming here). But I'll have to measure my purchases from now on, here was like a pic-nic. There I'll have to look upon a lot of expenses I didn't have here by living in a rented place with fixed price, utilities included, no cable, flat phone rate, free ISP, etc. :D

Thanks for the concern, what about the albums? :p
I've just heard the new Dream Evil and it's better than what I expected, not my release of the year by any means and I still think they're overrated, but it's pretty cool fun Heavy Metal, featuring some good lead guitar work. And with the cheesiest lyrics ever :D

I'm sure the Ayreon and Skyclad albums rule... I have a good feeling at least :)
Fangface said:
And with the cheesiest lyrics ever :D
And then some! Even in the DVD they are mocking the fact of the lyrics :lol: I love bands that don't take themselves seriously (a lesson for the tr00 idiots :Spin: )
Fangface said:
Ok, do you like cheese?

Do you like clichés?

Do you really like them folks?

Enjoy :p (their new video)
a) Swiss and Gorgonzola mainly
b) Why do you think I hear Goddess Of Desire, Majesty, Dream Evil, Hammerfall...? :lol:
c) Which folks? Folk like Skyclad or Tuatha De Dannan :p
Fangface said:
Damn the link doesn't work anymore :erk:
I noticed :p . In any case if you look at the video that comes in the CD is...a big chunk of roquefort :lol:

But I like the music a lot, the album will make my top ten like they have been doing since their debut.
dont worry wyvern,any cds your after that anyone else here has got-burn them!!!just ask,i know i wont mind posting you out a few copies of what you fancy,as long as i've got it myself-i'm sure some of the other boys will be the same.
no charity,just friendship,you understand.

as for dream evil,"i'm so fucking metal,and so is my wife"
baldyboy said:
dont worry wyvern,any cds your after that anyone else here has got-burn them!!!just ask,i know i wont mind posting you out a few copies of what you fancy,as long as i've got it myself-i'm sure some of the other boys will be the same.
no charity,just friendship,you understand.

as for dream evil,"i'm so fucking metal,and so is my wife"
Thanks BB :kickass: I'm sure is not going to be that bad, but again until I scan the field I don't know what I'm against it.

As for those lyrics, I love them. Snowy Shaw knows how to write with a humor few metalheads composers will understand and/or get offended. When you taken yourself so serious and develop a I am the king, bow to me you have lost what metal is about. Is about music, passion, energy, melody and also humor (excpet maybe for goths who are always depressed :p ).
Fangface said:
Do you have an explanation for the song "Man or Mouse" on the latest album then? :p
Of course mices eat cheese dont they? :lol:

If you see the DVD they mention: oh we have to put some silly chorus there while recording one of the songs. They accept they are not into witty lyrics or philosophical stuff. Just play for fun and having one hell of a time doing that. They went to a radio and played live some rockabilly/country song which chorus was something like while I'm fucking your wife. Don't know what the thing was about but they have alcohol and fun as main events, the rest just comes along with the recording.

What can I say, is bad but I love it :grin: I guess what i like the most is that unlike some bands and musicians out there they know that:

a) they can play
b) they can compose
c) they are not into a road for godliness of stardom
d) fun is all about that they care
e) they are not trying to prove anything to anyone, just playing a bit and maybe making some money in the process :rock:

@ Bryant: yes everybody's is surprised with Snowy's new look. But you see the guy in the studio and with fans (on the DVD) and is probably the coolest, nicest "monkey" around :p . Actually his wife does the famous I'm his wife line in 'Made Of Metal' from "Evilized" (another cheesy funny song as can be).
hehe Snowy is a great drummer, not the kind of robotic musician we see everywhere these days.
Sure he looks dumb in this new video though... as the other band members :loco: