My Latest Girl Thread

Henrik Main

Aug 10, 2002
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This is the place to post if you feel the need to brag about your latest "conquerings" when it comes to the opposite sex (or the same sex, if that tickles your fancy). Also, post funny/embarrassing stories and/or anecdotes. One Inch Man and Lurch have surely got plenty of funny tales to share.

My latest girl: Last night
Looks: Hottest girl I've ever laid mouth on so far. 9/10. Dark hair, brown eyes, suparr-hot slim body, ace titties.
What happened?: Heavy mouth vs. mouth-action and some rude touching.
Digits?: Hell yes.

Henrik Main said:
This is the place to post if you feel the need to brag about your latest "conquerings" when it comes to the opposite sex (or the same sex, if that tickles your fancy). Also, post funny/embarrassing stories and/or anecdotes. One Inch Man and Lurch have surely got plenty of funny tales to share.

My latest girl: Last night
Looks: Hottest girl I've ever laid mouth on so far. 9/10. Dark hair, brown eyes, suparr-hot slim body, ace titties.
What happened?: Heavy mouth vs. mouth-action and some rude touching.
Digits?: Hell yes.

rude touching? heheh ... this is a funny saying.

stories, i can't think of any right now, my head is a mess. Will think of some ...
"rude touching" that fucking rocks.

I'm talking to some chick right now, she's CRAZY. I don't think it'll turn into anything serious, but I'm hoping to get some mad monkey sex out of her because she's pretty wild. She also swings her hips a lot as she walks, which is (wait for it) UNRULY.
One Inch Man said:
"rude touching" that fucking rocks.

lurch70 said:
rude touching? heheh ... this is a funny saying.

I find it more elegant and subtle to say stuff like that instead of "I TOUCHED HER TITS A LOT" etc :loco:

Dominatrix Andrew said:
I'm talking to some chick right now, she's CRAZY. I don't think it'll turn into anything serious, but I'm hoping to get some mad monkey sex out of her because she's pretty wild. She also swings her hips a lot as she walks, which is (wait for it) UNRULY.

Is this the bar chick?
Seriously, that "rude touching" phrase is awesome. If I ever use it I'll make sure to give you credit. :cool:

Yeah it's the beer bitch. We haven't gone out yet because she's sick but we've been talking every day for a week now. She's totally bonkers, but in a good way. I have a feeling she's gonna bite my ball bag.
One Inch Man said:
Seriously, that "rude touching" phrase is awesome. If I ever use it I'll make sure to give you credit. :cool:

Yeah it's the beer bitch. We haven't gone out yet because she's sick but we've been talking every day for a week now. She's totally bonkers, but in a good way. I have a feeling she's gonna bite my ball bag.

Haha, glad you liked it. :cool:

Anyways, this girl of yours is probably pierced all over the effin' place. Girls who are bonkers usually are. Pix plz, btw
yeah really ... pics please NAD ... you met her on the net no?

i have this opportunity to pursue this girl that looks pretty cool. but she is one of those temp chicks, here to work and going back to europe. I am tired of these type, as if I get attached I am fucked.
the funny thing is my friend says she looks like Nicko McBrain .. and I agree :lol: .. i am sure you want to see pics of this one (lookin)
the resemblance is uncanny .. :lol:

but you are right, will try to give this one a shot. the few times I met her at parties like the one above, we have been exchanging glances from across the room pretty much all night. last Sunday I told her that I will have a party end of this month and she was psyched and told me she'll come.
the problem is her good freind, the one next to her, has the total hots for me. she is a little on the large side though and not doing it for me. will have to get aroudn that problem
lurch70 said:
the resemblance is uncanny .. :lol:

we have been exchanging glances from across the room pretty much all night.
the problem is her good freind, the one next to her, has the total hots for me.

Errrr, I don't see the problem. Threesome?

Marksveld said:
Yeah, I'd also give her the Max Johnson.

:lol: Funny thing is, I called out your name while fooling around with the abovementioned girl last night!
the problem is her good freind, the one next to her, has the total hots for me. she is a little on the large side though and not doing it for me. will have to get aroudn that problem

no problem cannot be solved with a little bit of hit-and-run flamethrower action.