My latest purchase: so awesome it deserves its own thread


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage

1-channel 30 W 1×12 (Celestion) Marshall combo from the 80's... Fucking ace, I got it for 800:- which is pretty much nothing... My old piece of crap Ibanez 15W practice amp cost like 1200:- new, and I expect to be able to sell it for about 500:-. So in conclusion, FUCKING WIN. Finally a decent amp to call my own (and that's small enough to be able to function as a practice amp, yet conceivably loud enough to work in band rehearsal. I think I'll try it at Lethal rehearsal this evening.)
Well yeah, I would have bought a 5150 with a 4x12 cabinet too if I had a choice, but I doubt I'd get that for 800:- :) and now I see that people are selling those crappy 12-15W practice amps for like 700-1000:- used on the Interweb, so it's possible that this awesome Marshall thing won't have cost me a dime in the end :) AWESOME this is the best deal of my life
I could probably do that to some clueless n00b, but I have some moral standards. I'll probably try to sell it around 600-700 or something and see how that goes.
still, this is a massive fucking CSCOREOROEOROROOEOE! or whatever you guys say around here!

my 12w Randal practice amp is looking pretty weak by comparison here :(
Erik said:
Well yeah, I would have bought a 5150 with a 4x12 cabinet too if I had a choice, but I doubt I'd get that for 800:- :) and now I see that people are selling those crappy 12-15W practice amps for like 700-1000:- used on the Interweb, so it's possible that this awesome Marshall thing won't have cost me a dime in the end :) AWESOME this is the best deal of my life

Yeah, don't get me wrong, I would've jumped on the chance if someone wanted to sell me that amp for a measly 800 SEK
CV: Wondering whether you'd notice that :) I just got two copies of that, so I'm trading one with Mike for the Iron Maiden early days DVD, which he has two copies of :kickass:
It's SS. I'm not a tube purist (though I do recognize the awesomeness of tube amps) and this is more than fine for me. It sounds awesome for what it is, quite warm-sounding for SS. It sounds like a Marshall should and I like it :)
Erik said:
It's SS. I'm not a tube purist (though I do recognize the awesomeness of tube amps) and this is more than fine for me. It sounds awesome for what it is, quite warm-sounding for SS. It sounds like a Marshall should and I like it :)

That's cool. Once you play live with a tube amp, though, you will probably have a VERY hard time even practicing with a SS. It sounds stuck up, but there is just such a HUGE difference.