Next Purchase: my first tube amp. HELP!


Aug 12, 2003
I get my commission check in four days, and I gotta say- the time has finally come. I'm FINALLY buying my first tube amp. I picked up a marshall 1960a last week for 250(was even cheaper than I thought originally) and it's just screaming for a nice shiny head to go with it. HAS to be high gain, with a good clean/smooth overdriven breakup and honestly after lots of testing it's come down to three choices-

Mesa rectoverb head(would be ordered with a tan colored grill for extra sexiness)- we don't have a head in the store but I've played the combo extensively. Sound wise, it absolutely vibes the best with me- it has everything I like about the recto sound and a lot less of what I dislike because it's a lot smoother sounding. On the vintage mode I was able to dial in some insanely sweet lead sounds, and the modern mode has the most punch of any amp I tried. I feel almost at home with this sound. The downside for me is the breakup on the pushed mode of the clean channel, and the overall "stiff" feel- it almost feels similar to playing a podxt. Don't mind this at all for rhythm- I actually prefer it. But for lead... man, I dunno. In any case this is the current front runner for me.

Mesa Mark IV- considering I would be special ordering the rectoverb this is about the same price. I haven't had a chance to play one and understand that while versatile they're EXTREMELY touchy/hard to dial in. I've also heard they don't record metal rhythm all that well (and I am NOT a fan of lamb of gods rhythm sound) which would frankly suck considering I'm completely sick of the podxt sound. That said, I've wanted one for as long as I've known about them and the idea of the mark lead sound alone is almost enough to sell me. But I mean, I wanted a prs too right until I got to play a bunch and realized I didn't care for the neck. Anyone with experience is MORE than welcome to give me the scoop on this thing.

Peavey jsx- I preferred this amp to both the xxx and 5150. The 5150 just doesn't sound like "me" at all, but the jsx was a lot closer with the same great fluid peavey feel. The feel more than anything else is what attracts me to this amp. I like the sound quite a lot but I also feel like it's a lot less natural sounding than the rectoverb or at least less like the sound I vibe with best. It has great clarity and punch, a good clean, and a great lead sound. It seems like this amp would feel great, sound great both live and recorded, but still never give me *EXACTLY* the sound I want. But maybe the virtues outweigh the one con- definitely the most plug and play amp of the bunch...

The greedy side of me wants to just slowly get all three and not have to make a decision, but I'd really like to get the right one first and not end up buying tons of amps. Give me your advice guys!
JSX with an OD is what I use, and I love it. Leads are smooth as, overdriven third channel is awsome for metal and the cleans are quite nice too.
I'd recommend it to anyone who considers it, though I'd also recommend a guitar with a scooped midrange to be used with it, as the amp has plenty of mids.