My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III


no i didn't buy this, it just seemed appropriate to the current conversation.
god damn nad said:
it just seemed appropriate to the current conversation.


And making sense or not, I made the order anyway. I've noticed that sometimes I make orders when bored or angry. I'm such a slave to Capitalism. Anyway, I ordered:

PELICAN - Australasia
JESU - Jesu
WOODS OF YPRES - Against The Seasons
Dimhymn - Djavulens Tid Ar Kommen
Nord'n' Commander - Hermeneutics
Eisigwald / Morbus Mundi - Split
Mareritt - Hymner til Doden og Morket
Winterblut - Grund: Gelenkkunst
The Rays of the Sun - Living Flowers Gallery
i did that a lot a few years ago. got in trouble with $$$ and amount of unlistened to cds. stopped doing it. [/markgugs-esque harbinger]
Oh ya. I'm not rich enough to end up with piles of stuff I don't listen to however, but I get to live on macaroni, air and love. Except I'm all out of love.
preparing for camping this weekend. bought soup, bagles, and two bigass cans of:


later i shall purchase dark beer en masse.
dude did you really beat zelda II? if so i hate you, i could never kill that last thingy. angeltits or whatever.

and yes, that's what camping with nad is like. only more naked and less sober.
you son of a bitch goddamn cheater, no one can REALLY beat zelda II

edit: HAAHAHAH posted before I knew of nad's post
not to hijack the thread or anything, but seriously... how the fuck does anyone beat that game legally?

If anyone ever did, I'm sure they destroyed many a television set out of frustration.