My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

MajestikMøøse said:
not to hijack the thread or anything, but seriously... how the fuck does anyone beat that game legally?

If anyone ever did, I'm sure they destroyed many a television set out of frustration.
dude i don't know, but i'd give a hearty handshake to anyone that did. the only game more difficult than that is It Came From the Desert, which, by all possible accounts, is literally impossible:


RRRRRRAAAAAAARRRRRR!!!!!!!!!11111 so creepy, so awesome. no i never played the original computer game, but i know they are way different.
lots of real life video shitz, one of the first games to do such things. at least for consoles.

lots of INCREDIBLY FRUSTRATING GAMEPLAY as well, but it really is a lot of fun. oh man, watching your girlfriend getting eaten alive by ants because you fail at shooting them is like one of the coolest moments in video game history. :headbang:
oh and if you're going turbografx rom crazy, this is THE game to have:


better than the original shadowgate YES I SAID IT.
okay one last one then i go'way. despite the absolutely horrendous cover art, this game is like in the top 5 of all time best shooters, no matter the year, system, whatever. fucking amazing:

but i thought you said møøse is the best seven ... oh rite, that was two inches**

*least gay line of all the ones I came up with

**edited to at least add a little gayness but zinging matt instead of your mom
Erik said:

Bak De Syv Fjell "De Siste Tanker/From Haavardtun" 7"

Best. Seven inch. Ever.

Damn, I've tried to get that one too. Does it sounds like old Borknagar?
back to the video games: damn you rich bastards and your expensive consoles. *one* guy in my entire circle of friends had a genesis. and dreamcast. and turbografx. and super nintendo. and nintendo 64. and jaguar. or whatever the fuck it was called. in retrospect, it wouldve probably been more beneficial to be hanging out with chicks than with this guy.
me too. my "big" purchase was a n64, *years* after it came out. i only bought shitz after i got outta college and became rich. PS1, Gamecube, and now Xbox. the only ones i have left are the n64 and xbox. video games are pretty boring actually. unless theyre sports games and you have friends to play with.
i'm thinking of buying a new laptop, my old one has a borked screen, wanna get a good one so I can play games while at school (and use bittorrent on the multi MB/s connection).
my favorite games are side scrolling shooters

R-type , gradius (would metal slug and contra fit in here too?)

and also games like Metroid , Mario

and i'm an RPG and strategy geek

I suck at sports games, I suck at fighting games therefore I hate them AND I HATE YOU*

i like hockey sports games. mostly cause i like hockey. Mario 1-3 is some of th ebest games ever. never really got into metroid. metal slugs ownz you, me and our moms.