My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

It's worse when it comes to reviewers though - 2 listens to a slipcase promo and then here comes the final verdict! Bollocks.

I don't have slipcase promos...I send the real deal. My hope is that the reviewer will take time to look through everything while least for the releases that have a decent booklet. I think sending a slipcase promo is like taking a date to White Castle and expecting her to put out (though I fucking love White Castle!!). :lol: If you want someone to give your release some time, at least have the decency to send the full release. :headbang:
Hey Arse,

What is the Procer Veneficus stuff going to be like that you involved with. Ghost voices was great.
I think Necuratul spends more money on cd's than I do though, to be honest.


Seriously, where does this dude get his money? And time as well? He has an extensive knowledge about numerous genres, and he seems to have heard just about every band ever. I just don't find the time these days to listen to enough music.

I don't really know where I get the money sometimes actually, now that I think about it. I get $200 a month from working as a part-part-part-time janitor that equates to about an hour a week. I spend about $50-60 on gas a month for school, and the rest pretty much goes to CDs, but it seems like I spend more than that, so I don't know.

As for the time part, I have way too much time...since I generally hate people and don't care about having a social life (so I only go out when my friends from high school are home from college), most of my time is spent listening to/reading about music, like swizzlesticks. I also procrastinate a lot with doing my school work, so you can imagine what I do during that period. Though swizzles seems to listen to more music than even me.

So basically I have no life, I guess.
LOL, wtf is wrong with you?

Got any cd's that you never listen to that ya wanna grant me? ..oh wait.

edit: This past week & half has been my biggest spending spree in a while. Probably due to the fact that I have been out of work with a fucked up back. Sure do get bored.
I just did a search in the latest purchases thread of all of my albums, put them in word, and then clicked "numbered list."
I think I may have purchased Angel Witch - Sinister History and Slauter Xstroyes - Winter Kill over the course of the weekend.
lmao...a few years ago when i smoked a ridiculous amount of weed, id buy tons of shit online, and come home everyday to new cd's that I had no recollection of buying.

The worst was when I would do multiple trades and not keep tabs on it, and get burnt but not remember from who...just remember me supposed to have certain cd's which i never got.

Or maybe I was confused about that too. Fuck it.
I've luckily never gotten fucked over on trades as of yet...unless you count getting Russian CDs when the fucker didn't tell you.