My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

great band from fort worth. just purchased through the end since i haven't actually made it to any shows to buy it :Smug:

URIZEN - Autocratopolis

An exhuasting, invigorating, exciting listen is guaranteed from this Texas-based avant-metal trio. Even though this is a self-released album, it is professionally pressed (not a CD-R!) and comes in a slipcase package with a booklet that's more substantial than most label-funded releases out there. Urizen pays great attention to every detail of their presentation, giving you plenty to wrap the eyes and ears around. Fans of bands as diverse as Faith No More, Estradasphere, Arcturus, Pain Of Salvation, Voivod, Solefald, Unexpect and Oxiplegatz should investigate immediately.
Went to the used album store today, along with other purchases, found a copy of Of Stone, Wind and Pillor for 5$. I already have another copy, so I'll hold onto this other copy for a while and unload it eventually.


Flotsam And Jetsam - Doomsday For The Deceiver (Been meaning to pick this up forever, and it had a 6$ price tag, so I grabbed it)
Mercenary - 11 Dreams
Mercenary - Everblack
Pagan's Mind - Celestial Entrance
Pagan's Mind - Infinty Divine
Xasthur - Xasthur EP

First time I went to a record store in a while, but it didn't seem like the stock changed much. Need to get to a bigger one soon... Or just stick to online shopping.

Edit: Oh, and another copy of Sodom - Sodom since a friend decided to "borrow" it, and then let it be used as a coaster during a party.
"Hey, I kinda fucked up your Sodom CD..."
"Wait, you had one of my Sodom CD's? WHICH ONE?!"
"The one with the robot thingy on the front"
"You whore! Well, atleast it wasn't Agent Orange..."

And he's being a jew about paying me back.
great band from fort worth. just purchased through the end since i haven't actually made it to any shows to buy it :Smug:

URIZEN - Autocratopolis

An exhuasting, invigorating, exciting listen is guaranteed from this Texas-based avant-metal trio. Even though this is a self-released album, it is professionally pressed (not a CD-R!) and comes in a slipcase package with a booklet that's more substantial than most label-funded releases out there. Urizen pays great attention to every detail of their presentation, giving you plenty to wrap the eyes and ears around. Fans of bands as diverse as Faith No More, Estradasphere, Arcturus, Pain Of Salvation, Voivod, Solefald, Unexpect and Oxiplegatz should investigate immediately.

Picked this up based on your post and their MySpace. I better like it! :mad:
Just ordered

Galar - Skogskvad
Heidevolk - De Strijdlust Is Geboren
Heidevolk - Wodan Heerst
Hellveto - Medieval Scream
Rudra - Kurukshetra

Lol, I wonder what I would do if I suddenly got sick of pagan folk metal.
Grand Belial's Key: Mocking the Philanthropist CD
Deathspell Omega/Moonblood: Split CD
Nominon: Recremation CD
Atomizer: The Only Weapon of Choice LP
Destruktor: Nuclear Storm LP
Toxic Holocaust: Evil Never Dies LP
Vomination: Yog-Sothoth 7"
Karnarium: Deity of Opposites 7"
Necrovation: Chants of Grim Death 7"
Mutation: Void of Disharmony 7"
War Ripper: Hellstorm 7"
Victimizer: Rapid Thrashing Violence 7"
Nunslaughter/Destructor: Split 7"
Grand Belial's Key: Mocking the Philanthropist CD
Deathspell Omega/Moonblood: Split CD
Nominon: Recremation CD
Atomizer: The Only Weapon of Choice LP
Destruktor: Nuclear Storm LP
Toxic Holocaust: Evil Never Dies LP
Vomination: Yog-Sothoth 7"
Karnarium: Deity of Opposites 7"
Necrovation: Chants of Grim Death 7"
Mutation: Void of Disharmony 7"
War Ripper: Hellstorm 7"
Victimizer: Rapid Thrashing Violence 7"
Nunslaughter/Destructor: Split 7"

Looks like someone gave Hells Headbangers some business. :kickass:
Looks like someone gave Hells Headbangers some business. :kickass:

I bought some patches from them...great fucking people.

my latest haul from Amoeba:

Pest (Ger) - Pest LP (I bought this thinking it was the Swedish Pest, but whatever)
Root - Madness of the Graves LP
Inquisition - Anxious Death/Forever Under Double LP (fucking awesome...came with a poster and a postcard)
Dawnbringer - In Sickness and In Dreams (so fucking good...I'm might review it for UM)
Whiplash - Messages in Blood: The Early Years
Mortem/Morbid - Slow Death/Live, "demo 1" and "demo 2" (the last three things being the Morbid side of the split)