My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

FIRBHOLG - Holy Quest
STYGIAN SHORE - The Shore Will Arise
COUNT RAVEN - Destruction Of The Void
COUNT RAVEN - Storm Warning
Varathron - Walpurgisnacht
Abigor - Nachthymen & Orkblut

Blood Axis - The Gospel of Inhumanity (CD)
Cold Fusion - Simmetria (CD)
Herbst9 - From A Dark Chasm Below (CD)
Rukkanor - Despartica: Face One (CD)
Von Thronstahl - Mutter der Schmerzen (CD)
more old kiss records. and some new teva sandals :rock:

oh yes, and some "haunted portraits" and a killer cthulu shirt from the texas frightmare weekend. i shall add some pics later
Another 9 million tins of pipe tobacco. I now have about 5 lbs of pipe tobacco cellared...and at the rate I smoke this should last for another 3 life times.

Also many albums since I last posted here. Most of which rule...except Carpathian Forest, which doesn't rule at all.
Apparently the girlfriend and I broke up this weekend. So I did what any real man would do, drank a shitload of whisky and placed a large order for music:

MALIGN - Divine Facing
ONDSKAPT - Dodens Evangelium
SADUS - Swallowed In Black
TOXIK - Think This
BLASPHEMY - Gods Of War / Blood Upon The Altar
DECEASED - The Blueprints For Madness
BATHORY - Bathory (replacement)
NUCLEAR ASSAULT - Handle With Care (also a replacement)
EDGE OF SANITY - Purgatory Afterglow
Blasphemy - Gods Of War/Blood Upon The Altar
Ribspreader - The Monolith 7"
Spite Extreme Wing - Kosmokrator
Thou Art Lord - Diabolou Archaes Legeones 7"
Thou Art Lord/Ancient Rites - Thou Art Lord/Ancient Rites 7"
The Wizar'd - Follow The Wizar'd
The Wizar'd - Smouldering Sinners 7"

Also just bought Tiamat - Sumerian Cry (original)
Which album? They're occasionally excellent IMO, just ignore the weird disgusting bits and crank up the heavy fucken metal ones.

"Morbid Fascination of Death" is what I got, and it isn't impressive.

Ordered more snus yesterday, namely grov, ettan and diplomat to try some new stuff.

Also, "V: Hävitetty" is a fantastic album.