My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

Graveland - Drunemeton
I Shalt Become - Wanderings
Inquisition - Nefarious Dismal Orations
Kawir - Dei Kabeiroi
Macabre Omen - The Ancient Returns
Stiny Plamenu - Odpadni Galerie


Ostrogoth - Full Moon's Eyes EP
Satan - Into The Future EP
WASP - Inside The Electric Circus LP
How is this? i know swano is very influenced by it.

Sounds pretty damn good! Poppy prog for sure, but very strong songs, great vocals, lots of insight into where Unicorn and Nightingale ideas came from. I could possibly upload a song or two in the next little while. I'm very impressed so far.
I'm waiting on my copy of Akitsa's "Sang Nordique" from Hospital Productions. Pretty effing slow for domestic shipping. Anyone ordered from these guys before?
Fleshcrawl – Descend into the Absurd
Necromantia – Crossing the Fiery Path (digi)
Katatonia – Brave Murder Day & For Funerals to Come
Katatonia – Dance of December Souls
Dolorian – Dolorian
Revelation - Never Come Silence
Pagan Altar - Mythical and Magical Tshirt