My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

Sabbat "Karmagmassacre"*
Sabbat "Karisma"*
Sabbat "Fetishism"*
Dead Can Dance "Serpent's Egg"*
Total Fucking Destruction "Zen and the Art of.."
Merciless Death "Evil In the Night"

* used, for eight dollars each at the local music stre.
Mayhem Ordo Ad Chao
Marduk Heaven Shall Burn.... When We Are gathered
FInntroll ( the new one I cant pronounce)
Naglfar Harvest
Labrynth Return TO Heaven Denied ( again my other copy got scratched some how)

Hows is that Merciless Death? I wanted to pick that up. Waiting on new Municipal Waste.
just got some CDs in! Woo!

Blood Axis & Les Joyaux De La Princesse - Absinthe: La Folie Verte (CD)
Der Blutharsch - The Pleasures Received In Pain (CD)
Les Joyaux De La Princesse - Aux Volontaires Croix De Sang (CD)
Rukkanor - Ende (CD)
Wappenbund - Schlacht :: Blood & Fire (CD)
Ordered some books on Saxon, Early-Anglo, and Scottish history/literature

-Warlords And Holy Men: Scotland 80-1000 Ad (New History of Scotland)
-The Saxon and Norman Kings (Blackwell Classic Histories of England)
-The Anglo-Saxon World: An Anthology (Oxford World's Classics)
-Roman Britain and Early England 55 B. C. to A. D. 871 (Norton Library History of England)

Current 93 - The Inmost Light Trilogy (3CD)
-Where The Long Shadows Fall (Beforetheinmostlight)
-All The Pretty Little Horses
-The Starres Are Marching Sadly Home (Theinmostlight Thirdandfinal)
Windir - 1184 TS
Folk Metal - Hoch die Hörner! TS
XIV Dark Centuries - Den Ahnen zum Gruße
Fimbulthier - The battle begins
Elexorien - Elexorien
Theudho - The Völsunga Saga
MajestikMøøse;6210110 said:

Current 93 - The Inmost Light Trilogy (3CD)
-Where The Long Shadows Fall (Beforetheinmostlight)
-All The Pretty Little Horses
-The Starres Are Marching Sadly Home (Theinmostlight Thirdandfinal)

Trying to work myself up to dropping a cash bomb on that and Of Ruine or Some Blazing Starre...
Yeah, Jnana's prices are freakin insane, and once I didn't even get the goods from them after they said that they sent it twice.

That was a year ago though, so hopefully they've cleaned up their act a little.