My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

PLANTS - Double Infinity (about damn time)
PESTILENCE - Malleus Maleficarum (even more about damn time)
GREAT COVEN - Viaticum (You better be right about this one, Ken! blind purchase here)
MORTIFERA - Vastiia Tenebrd Mortifera (Noktu ftw!)

logical nonsense - soul pollution


explosions in the sky - the earth is not a cold dead place

^ the insert artwork for this could not be more emo
What do you think of the new mix? I think the sludgier tone fits the concept of the album much better than the brightness of the original release, but what do I know...I left the copy that swizzle gave me at his apartment 8 months ago and forgot about it until just now.

It's funny really, when I bought the original I wasnt dissapointed with the sound, I thought it was great really. After buying the new one and comparing the two I definitely like the new mix better though, the heavier tone does seem to work better.
I'm waiting on my copy of Akitsa's "Sang Nordique" from Hospital Productions. Pretty effing slow for domestic shipping. Anyone ordered from these guys before?

Came today.:kickass:

Also picked up My Bloody Valentine's "Loveless" and a used copy of Venom's "At War With Satan" over the weekend.

Also, you guys might get to see some Antaeus and Varathron CDs added to my sale list...I'm almost through attempting to communicate with this deadbeat eBayer.
Thinking about getting from Moribund...

Beherit/Archgoat - split CD
Bestial Summoning - The Dark War Continues
Masochist (US) - History

Any thoughts on the last two, particularly Masochist? I might have to reconsider that one since I can't find any reviews.
Bastardator - Bastards Of Mayhem MC
Blasphemy - Fallen Angel Of Doom (CD)
Blasphemy - Fallen Angel Of Doom Die Hard LP + Pic Disc
Goatlord - Reflections Of The Solstice Die Hard LP + 7"
Vomit - Still Rotting
Xibalba - Ah Dzam Poop Ek Die Hard DLP