My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III


Sorry dude, seems I touched a nerve there. I'm probably exagerating because I'm so fucking sick of hearing about them. But seriously, them and Be'lakor or whatever the fuck they're called these days are a severely unfortunate stain upon whatever kind of metal they think they play. It's just nerd-prog-extreme-metal without purpose. I didn't compare them to either CoF or PT, either. IT'S JUST UNAUSTRALIAN, MATE.

:lol: I know it's cool mate... Look I was sick of hearing about them too, but when I finally did actually hear their music, well, my tone changed. I thought everyone harping on about them was a load of crap, but my god, the people who loved them were... well, right. :erk:
swizzlenuts is under my care, it's all good. He's much improved compared to how he was when I first found him.
Secrets of the Moon: Antithesis CD
Clandestine Blaze: Deliverers of Faith CD
Kaamos: Lucifer Rising CD
Deathspell Omega: Fas... CD
Deathspell Omega: Fas... LP
Sargeist: Disciples of the Heinous Path LP
Horna: Aäniä Yössä LP
Pest: Desecration LP
Pest: In Total Contempt LP
Nominon: The True Face of Death LP
Nominon: Recremation LP
Astriaal: The Throne to Perish 7"
Verivala/The Shadow Order: A Fallen World's Conspiracy 7"

And for my birthday I got Uriah Heep Sweet Freedom LP and Jethro Tull A Passion Play LP, among other less interesting things.
fuck yes i'm so stoked on my new fucking turntable!!!

flotsam and jetsam - doomsday for the deceiver VINYL
celtic frost - to mega therion VINYL
sanctuary - refuge denied VINYL
his hero is gone - fifteen counts of arson VINYL
dso - fas ite maligxbvnuminumxvn cd :erk:

anybody heard sanctuary before? it has warrel dane on vox, produced by dave mustaine, '87 release. it's actually pretty kickass for a $7 blind buy.
Sanctuary is really awesome.

And Nevermore is totally straight shit. Atleast Dreaming Neon Black and before was. Can't really defend Dead Heart and Enemies. Those albums sucked. TGE was alright.

Edit: Reading that again, that came off wrong I think... I love Nevermore, except the 2 albums mentioned. Then again, I think that was obvious considering my last post in this thread was about me purchasing a plane ticket to see them, haha.
Dreaming Neon Black is the only Nevermore that really commands my attention these days. Dead Heart is very inconsistent. ditto TGE which I gave away after a few attempted listens.
I thought Dead Heart had some good songs, but was not completely consistent throughout. Enemies really wasn't that great, but TGE and DNB are both very good, imo. Don't really listen to Nevermore much anymore anyways.

Deathspell Omega - "Fas - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum"
Destroyer 666 - "Violence is the Prince of this World"
Destroyer 666 - "Unchain the Wolves"
Manilla Road - "Crystal Logic"
The classy vinyl version of Fas- Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum; heavy and thick vinyl disc, a huge booklet with cryptic and obviously special made drawings, gatefold covers and... a pretty redundant poster. Why spend money on that kind of thing? Do people appreicate it? I sure don't.
from a trade:

The classy vinyl version of Fas- Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum; heavy and thick vinyl disc, a huge booklet with cryptic and obviously special made drawings, gatefold covers and... a pretty redundant poster. Why spend money on that kind of thing? Do people appreicate it? I sure don't.

I nearly bought this vinyl just because I really liked the front cover :lol:
The classy vinyl version of Fas- Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum; heavy and thick vinyl disc, a huge booklet with cryptic and obviously special made drawings, gatefold covers and... a pretty redundant poster. Why spend money on that kind of thing? Do people appreicate it? I sure don't.

Sure, it may be redundant...but would you hang the vinyl cover on the wall? :hypno:

But really, the layout for this album is pretty much fucken awesome.
The Mighty Boosh Season 2 DVD
Shaun of the Dead/Hot Fuzz DVD
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas DVD
The Mothman Prophecies DVD

Deathspell Omega - Fas CD
Deathspell Omega - Fas LP
Sepulchural Aura - Demo CD
Silencer - Death, Pierce Me CD
Misery's Omen - Misery's Omen CD
Pestilential Shadows - Cursed CD
Devourment - 1.3.8 CD
Funurary Pit - Winds of Hell tape
Convivial Hermit #3 zine