My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

I plan on eventually buying a record player that can actually support that capability, but I don't exactly have that kind of expendable funds, and I know very little about record players as it is. My current player is probably over 30 years old, a friend of my grandparents' was throwing it away and asked if I wanted it. At times it decides to play at a slow speed and the right channel for the speakers fades out whenever it feels like it would annoy me most, but it's better than nothing, and it works perfectly fine most of the time.
How do you like Ettan?

Did you see I replaced the hellmobile? :cry: Wanna buy it?

I like it, I like it alot...better than General? Perhaps...

:OMG: WHY!?!? (hellmobile)

By the way, what did ye think of Negative Plane since I haven't been on at the same time as you since I sent the song?
Gomorrah - Reflections of Inanimate Matter
Doomsword - My Name Will Live On
Doomsword - Resound the Horn
Doomsword - Let Battle Commence
Dragon Stout
Guiness Foreign Extra
Budweiser Budvar Dark Lager from Czech
Deuchars IPA
I like it, I like it alot...better than General? Perhaps...

:OMG: WHY!?!? (hellmobile)

By the way, what did ye think of Negative Plane since I haven't been on at the same time as you since I sent the song?
Ettan is the most popular kind y'know... But nothing can beat the General in the long run imo.

I finally got sick of having an old piece of crap rustheap for a car so I got a new one but I need to get rid of the SAAB quite fast because I don't have enough parking space =/

Never listened to Negative Plane, it was fagass wma so winamp wouldn't play it, I though oh well let's try windows media player later but then my computer burnt so now it won't happen for a while at least (I'm using Johanna's old laptop atm)
buncha shit came in today.

Deathspell Omega - Fas, Ite, Maledicti In Ignem Aeternum (CD)
Stahlwerk 9 - Revolution of the Antichrist (CD)
Allerseelen - Hallstatt (CD)
Toroidh - Segervittring (CD)
Mushroom's Patience - Water (CD)
V/A - Scontrum Act VI (CDr)

and nine Loeb Classical Library Volumes
it's not too early to start planning for halloween is it?


bought my costume. derick's going to be a gunslinger and i a saloon whore.

halloween weekend in austin! :kickass:


True norwegian black metal haul

Darkthrone Holy Darkthrone - Eight Norwegian Bands Paying Tribute
Keep Of Kalessin - Through Times Of War
Darkthrone - F.O.A.D.
Mayhem Tribute - Originators Of The Northern Darkness