My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

Crematory - Denial
Funebrarum - Beneath the Columns of Abandoned Gods
Graveland - Spears of Heaven
Graveland / Forest shirts
Hammers of Misfortune - The August Engine
Hammers of Misfortune - The Locust Years

Dude! I would've totally sent you these for free out of the goodness of my heart...................that, and they suck so bad I'll never listen to them again. I would've even paid postage.
You can send them for free to Canada out of the goodness of your heart.

P.S. They need to hurry the fuck up and re-issue The Bastard.
Darkthrone: Panzerfaust - ORG Moonfog

Extremely underrated album. I like it more than Under A Funeral Moon, maybe even more than Transilvanian Hunger. Speaking of which, I played the main riffs of the title track the other day for about thirty minutes straight. On acoustic guitar.

Darkthrone Unplugged. Don't laugh. There's already a Drudkh Unplugkhed.
I think I'd rate Transilvanian Hunger lower than both Under a Funeral Moon and A Blaze in the Northern Sky, but a wee bit over Panzerfaust which more or less ties with Soulside Journey. Maybe. When I'm in a different mood it might be the complete opposite though. Darkthrone is one of the best bands.

/Hell Mike
Thou - Malfeasance-Retribution
Thou - To Carry a Stone
Thou - Through the Empires of Eternal Void

Process of Guilt / Caïna split
Process of Guilt - Demising Grace Reissue CD
Process of Guilt - Renounce tape / CD
Process of Guilt - Shirt - Medium (M)
Process of Guilt - Demising Grace / Portraits of Regret tape
BURZUM - Draugen - Rarities
NIFELHEIM - Envoy of Lucifer
SEANCE - Saltrubbed Eyes (this one's for trade if anyone's interested)

Stuff on its way from trades:

HALLSTATT - Barbarian Warlike Supremacy
HETAERIA - Heretical Inspirtation
PURULENCE/AMAYMON - Purulence/Amaymon
SATAN'S ALMIGHTY PENIS - Into the Cunt of Chaos
John Coltrane

Giant steps
Coltrane jazz
Coltrane's sound
My favorite things
Coltrane plays the blues
The Impulse Albums Vol.1
The Impulse Albums Vol.2
The Impulse Albums Vol.3
The complete 1961 Village Vanguard recordings

I have to say I didn't think too long about this, already loving Giant Steps and the following albums of the Atlantic period. I'm expecting much of The complete 1961 Village Vanguard recordings, we'll see if it has what it takes :Smokin: