My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

PALLBEARER - Sorrow and Extinction
SUBROSA - No Help for the Mighty Ones
WITCH MOUNTAIN - South of Salem
WORM OUROBOROS - Come the Thaw
Drudkh - Eternal Turn of the Wheel
Scott Walker - The Drift
Led Zeppelin - BBC Sessions
Stars of the Lid - And their Refinement of the Decline

yes in orange ...

"Don't buy these unless you can handle copious amounts of awesome. Whenever I wear them, strangers randomly high five me. I've also been invited to play in several pickup beach volleyball games. They also come in handy when you need to check your teeth for stray food particles after lunch. They're actually way better quality than I anticipated, and I would buy them again."
i could get used to that

though the lack of obscure little weird rooms in nooks and crannies and basements means id have nowhere to build my studio =(
I looked at the Fler Bilder. It's extremely unAmerican but I like it. Pretty much what we've tried to turn our house into without realizing it haha
I like the door handles. Water lines look like PEX. Nice stuff.