My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

Above the pole circle, it doesn't, but as darkest here in the far south where we live we always get some light. When we're indoors working, mostly. For a few months. This time of year, it gets dark around what, 7pm maybe? And at the darkest time of the year:

December 22 Sunrise 09:29 Sunset 13:45 Day length 4h 16m
Above the pole circle, it doesn't, but as darkest here in the far south where we live we always get some light. When we're indoors working, mostly. For a few months. This time of year, it gets dark around what, 7pm maybe? And at the darkest time of the year:

December 22 Sunrise 09:29 Sunset 13:45 Day length 4h 16m

thanks for the information, this information was previously hard to find on this page
I opened the thread then went and did shit and then replied and didn't see that you already have. I'm sorry man. I'm also sorry that this post might ruin the funay of my earlier 'np'.

EDIT: and while I watched the Hogan sex vid, I forgot that I had a butger on the stove. LOL!
Woo, got an HM-2.

....and a $200 order from

Hope your enjoying this Economy!!!

Just did a $200+ myself. Time to get yoked yo. :D

Purple Wraath
10lb ON Whey (Coconut Chocolate)
2 btls of Caffeine
Optimum Essential AminO Energy (Freebie)
A couple canisters of Craze
IForce Hemavol


Witch Mountain - Cauldron of the Wild :kickass:
Panasonic Ear Trimmer (Gettind Old)
4pk Hanes Undies
6pk of Gold Toe Low Cut Socks
local radio station sold off its ENTIRE record collection


all this for less than $10

i mean if you don't know about bands like zone zero, rising and wizzard you probably dont understand why this is a big deal but let me tell you:

it's a BIG DEAL
lol no

like 25000+ items, i couldnt even be arsed to look through it all (almost completely unsorted)
i take fish oil (Ω3), lots of d3 vitamin, silica (for my garbage hair) and that's it

though i am considering magnesium supplements
local radio station sold off its ENTIRE record collection


all this for less than $10

i mean if you don't know about bands like zone zero, rising and wizzard you probably dont understand why this is a big deal but let me tell you:

it's a BIG DEAL

no wonder they closed the station