My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

I know this is offensive, but :lol:. Life is more than science, is dumb as fuck. Life is science. if you're talking about psychology, fine, but I'm not arguing that.
Not offensive. And it was more of a jokingly jab than anything. However, speaking in more general terms, saying the term "Life is more than science" is dumb as fuck and that Life IS Science, proves that you have a lot to learn in life. Either that or I feel sorry for you.
tell me how that fish oil works. Tell me the mechanism that helps someone. Give me the details. What does it do to the proteins/enzymes in the body. Anecdotes are meaning less.

I'd rather live in the real world than an a life that people think exists purely on their perception. That's what medicine is.

You saying I have a lot to learn in life is fucking stupid, and is an ageism logical fallacy. Tell me what I'm missing. I'm sorry that I look at the actual mechanism that logical fallacies.
Im not sure whats going on in the past few posts :lol: but the most current heavy-duty meta analyses of omega 3 research is that it is ineffective in producing its intended outcome - that of lowering relative risk for coronary heart disease.
My point is that it's ineffective. you told me "is dumb as fuck and that Life IS Science, proves that you have a lot to learn in life." shows that you don't get logical fallacies. This is the essence of the ageism logical fallacy. Meaning, just because I'm younger means I don't get your argument.
"proves that you have a lot to learn in life.." is a logical fallacy. You don't address my concerns. Give me the mechanism it that works. that's what I mean.
What science is about is making a mechanism about everything. Unless it's so basic that we don't know the science. this isn't the case, at all. How do the proteins of the fatty acids do anything? it's all flimsy evidecne. That's what the meta studies show.

If you don't get this? then you don't get science.
Whats the original argument? That omega 3 oil can be used as prophylaxis against something? Im a little confused.
i've taken supplements/vitamins ONCE in my life ... 15 years ago ... for 2 weeks.

why the fuck are you guys taking all this crap for?
thats hilarious

until you realise i spent $10 on this and if i resold it all on ebay i would make somewhere along the lines of $300-600

so suck it

edit: also, this song
if there was a station that played nothing but this song all day every day, it would by far be my favourite radio station in the world (which admittedly isnt saying much)

you bet your ass it was hilarious ... but not as hilarious as those records.

i'm not looking through 14 studies but i'm sure they were all garbage

you see, it is meaningless to eat like shit and take omega-3's and think everything is going to be alright. indeed, you will get heart disease if you take a fish oil pill every day and think that clears you for eating sugar and vegetable oils and mcdonalds.

if your ratio is 17:1 then eating a pill isn't going to clear that shit up. it is as simple as that. next you'll be showing me a "band aids proven to not be effective against decapitated heads, therefore do not buy band aids ever" study


show me a double-blind study where you do the opposite: feed corn oil to half of a healthy hunter-gatherer society until their o6/o3 ratios approach those of a western diet, and see what happens after a decade or two

of course, that would be literally murder and torture so i don't expect such a study to surface anytime soon

the proteins of the fatty acids
hmm are you sure you know what you're talking about buddy
tell me how that fish oil works. Tell me the mechanism that helps someone. Give me the details. What does it do to the proteins/enzymes in the body. Anecdotes are meaning less.

I'd rather live in the real world than an a life that people think exists purely on their perception. That's what medicine is.

You saying I have a lot to learn in life is fucking stupid, and is an ageism logical fallacy. Tell me what I'm missing. I'm sorry that I look at the actual mechanism that logical fallacies.
what you are missing is that you have to approach this from the right perspective. this is not about being able to fix years of poor eating by taking a pill every day and thinking everything is going to be alright. it is surprising the number of people who DO think that is the case, but they are idiots. it's not and i would never ever argue that.

i am pretty sure this is what most of the studies you linked to have tested, so they are not interesting except insofar as it is a confirmation that no, a few grams of fish oil every day is not a miracle cure that will reverse the course to obesity and disease hell that the western world has set itself on. i could have told you as much with much fewer words.

this is about recognizing that what most of us eat in general has moved very far from what is healthy at this point, and that after taking other, more important steps, omega-3 supplements can be a good idea unless you eat fatty wild-caught fish and/or grass-fed beef two or three times a week. it is about taking a long chain of steps to approximate the diets of healthy people. believe it or not, there are still places on earth where cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, dementia, etc are unknown concepts. throughout all these societies, at least one thing is constant: a DRASTICALLY higher level of dietary omega-3 fatty acids. i want to eat like these people because i do not want these diseases. fish oil is but a link in a that process. that is, after i eliminated all grains and all added sugar and stopped using bad fats (this is a bigger deal. grains are the #1 problem but that is a discussion for another day)

if you want studies on the effect of o6/o3 ratios on western as opposed to traditional populations i suggest the book "food and western disease: health and nutrition from an evolutionary perspective" by staffan lindeberg as well as his kitava study, on which some of the data in the book is based.

there is some very compelling HARD SCIENCE that supports all of the above, but you are not asking the right questions. and i agree, "why should I, SWIZZLENUTS, eat fish oil" is probably a question that has the answer "it doesn't really matter if you do". that's assuming you eat a pretty typical western diet otherwise.

edit: actually here's something you might be interested in

cutting and pasting the conclusion here if youre lazy


there's more where that came from if you care

if you eatin grains i feel bad for you son
i got 99 problems but a bun aint one