i'm sciencing as fast as i can
I know this is offensive, but
. Life is more than science, is dumb as fuck. Life is science. if you're talking about psychology, fine, but I'm not arguing that.

Im not sure whats going on in the past few postsbut the most current heavy-duty meta analyses of omega 3 research is that it is ineffective in producing its intended outcome - that of lowering relative risk for coronary heart disease.
Whats the original argument? That omega 3 oil can be used as prophylaxis against something? Im a little confused.
thats hilarious
until you realise i spent $10 on this and if i resold it all on ebay i would make somewhere along the lines of $300-600
so suck it
edit: also, this song
if there was a station that played nothing but this song all day every day, it would by far be my favourite radio station in the world (which admittedly isnt saying much)
hmm are you sure you know what you're talking about buddythe proteins of the fatty acids
what you are missing is that you have to approach this from the right perspective. this is not about being able to fix years of poor eating by taking a pill every day and thinking everything is going to be alright. it is surprising the number of people who DO think that is the case, but they are idiots. it's not and i would never ever argue that.tell me how that fish oil works. Tell me the mechanism that helps someone. Give me the details. What does it do to the proteins/enzymes in the body. Anecdotes are meaning less.
I'd rather live in the real world than an a life that people think exists purely on their perception. That's what medicine is.
You saying I have a lot to learn in life is fucking stupid, and is an ageism logical fallacy. Tell me what I'm missing. I'm sorry that I look at the actual mechanism that logical fallacies.
Anecdotes are meaning less.
I'd rather live in the real world than an a life that people think exists purely on their perception.