My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

relying 100% on science is all well and good until you realize that science these days, especially the kind that gets into the minds of the general public, often is highly suspect and subject to corporate influence, publication bias, our current Zeitgeist in general (try getting funding from anyone these days to research genetic differences between human races, for instance) and so forth

no one is ever going to make a study that proves it is more healthy to eat ancestrally because 1) it is nearly impossible to enforce for the decades it would take to get a decent result and 2) it would be an enormously expensive study but there is no money to be made from declaring that 95+% of everything in a supermarket is actually bad for you and that you don't need most modern drugs, so who will fund it? ThE GoVeRNmEnT?

allow me to lol profusely –~– these are the same people who still rely on keys' seven countries study as 1) not being completely and utterly bogus and 2) the sole backing for their dietary advice. if you think this is not because of immense lobbying from the cooking oil, wheat, sugar, corn and pharma industries you are incredibly deluded

so essentially, as always: fuck the world


EVERYONE — quite literally — should watch these two
Erik, def try supplementing your diet with magnesium. Most people are actually deficient in Magnesium; an extremely beneficial mineral which is the 4th most abundant in the human body and accounts for around 300 biochemical reactions in the body if memory serves me correctly. It's effective at the cellular level, bones, and even has psychological benefits. Consider Magnesium Malate as it's used a lot for "fibromyalgia" and other pain/fatigue syndromes; probably due to the malic acid. I don't think it has as much of a laxative effect as Magnesium Citrate. Just stay away from the Magnesium Oxide garbage.

Poonsniffer my boy, just looked in to Magnesium. Wish I had the other day before I placed my order, but fuck it. Improved sleep (working graveyard isn't fun), improved muscle recovery (fuck yeah), better mood (huzzar).

:Awaits Brandon's opinion: :D
I think I'll make a website that says eating poop is great for getting rid off cancer, sleeping well, growing tall & strong, getting good nails, living longer, getting great blood pressure and keeping sea monsters away.
Oh so this is why Swizzle had that thread. :loco:

I bought the last Eerie Von album and Mayhem's Live in Leipzig finally. Also some old Finntroll and the Deathspell Omega vinyl thing. Probably some other poop I can't think of right now.
$250 worth of batteries for my two clunker cars...neither of which would take me to work this morning until I replaced them.
a) Fuckin' Subaru/Ford/Volvo/Mazda or whatever the hell you have now.
b) Shoulda used them both like a pair of rollerskates.
c) That sure is a lot of 9-volts.
I decided to drive the Volvo because it has no tags or papers or insurance. It turned 182000 miles as I pulled into the hospital parking lot
I think I killed the Subaru by driving it through a creek yesterday. It still had trouble starting even after the new battery.
Ken...get you a Bosch. They are all black and menacing looking...but have a cheery and handy carrying strap
The one I have now has a strap too. I'll just go to the nearest Advanced/NAPA/Autozone, trade in my used one for a discount, and overlook the GOOD/BETTER/BEST display. And probably fall for the OMG TEH BESTEST!!1