My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III


Listing nearly all of my vinyl/tape on Discogs. Should be done by end of weekend.
Im making the most of my time back in switzerland so I got a ticket to see Steven Wilson with some friends. I absolutely loved The Raven That Refused to Sing and Im looking forward to hearing his new stuff for the first time live.
A set of Goodyear Assurance ComforTred Touring tires, made with pride in the fuckin' US :mad: A . . . . for my wife's made in the Japan automobile.
Is Discogs a good way to tell shit? Or just figure out pricing?
I sold several boxsets on Discogs just recently, and it went very well. A few tire kickers (vinyl scratchers?), but mostly solid. Would do again, if/when I must.

Today I bought $58 worth of red concrete stepping stones and those ribbed edger things. Then I used all the plants the former owners left here to make my front yard look somewhat decent for the first time ever:


Check out all that drought tolerant bullshit instead of some dumb lawn in the god damn desert. I'm such a hipster. :(

EDIT: Oh, and thanks to some Amazon gift cards I've been collecting, I just bought 6 old horror movies on DVD, the new Enslaved, and the solo John Garcia album, all for $8. First time buying movies and CDs all year, WTF.
Countess Dracula (Blu Ray for dem sexy blue hues!)
The Pit and the Pendulum
The Fall in the House of Usher
The Premature Burial
City of the Dead (aka: Horror Hotel)
The Masque of the Red Death
Bought some Crocs today. I'm neither proud nor ashamed. I needed some work-friendly shoes that don't touch or rub the spots of psoriasis on my ankles. They were just about the only thing I found that meets the criteria. They fit like huge barrels that magically stay attached to my feet somehow.
Oh yeah...almost forgot...on Friday I paid $300 for a plumber to snake my kitchen pipes.

And it didn't work.