My Latest Purchases Thread

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I wonder if it comes with the red glow as well. That would be totally awesome, radical and tubular, dude.
Did you order from Relapse? Mine is actually the copy I ordered . . . it's not a promo.


I won't spoil the surprise for everybody. I'll just keep my mouth shut. I'll just say that longtime fans of Today is the Day will note the rapidly spiralling dementia that Steve Austin is going through. This album is pure MURDER!
^^ same as that
Thanks for the tip Lutz.


and this just in:
Arckanum - Kampen 2 CD
Dark Angel - Time does not heal
Cool, hope you like it. Got Prometheus yesterday by the way, I enjoyed it on first listen, but will need more to determine how much.
amon amarth - once sent from the golden hall LP

midvinter - at the sight of the apocalypse dragon - 0,99 dollas. i have a faint memory of reading somewhere that they where good and underrated etc, probably worh one dollar anyway
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