My Latest Purchases Thread

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7" Haul-

Xasthur/Nachmystium- Split 7"
Merimack/Sargeist- Split 7"
Orcustus- "World Dirtnap" 7"
Cult of Daath- "Razor War 7"
Lucifigum- "On Hooks to Pieces" Tape
Old Man Gloom - Christmas (showed up in 3 days)

Still nothing from The End (they suck ass)
Root of All Evil Records sent me the wrong CD. Fucking dumbasses.
I purposely scratched the Crisis CD so I could return it. So I chose to go nostalgic on my ass and trade it for:

Failure - Fantastic Planet

Just straight up rock. I used to love this album back in high school and my early college days.
Armagedda - Only True Believers
Armagedda - Ond Spiritism
Armagedda - Ond Spiritsim LP
Armagedda - In Blackest Ruin MLP
Beherit - Drawing Down the Moon

I ordered my Negurã 3CD Box 2 weeks ago from Aqaurius and still haven't received it :erk:
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Be warned, Aquarius is beyond SLOW. They have great items, but their Mailorder is like ordering from a Cave in Thailand.
:lol: Yeah, it seems so this time. I ordered Weakling from them a while ago and got it in 2 days, so I don't know what's going on with this.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
2 Days ? Where do you live. They average around 1 1/2 weeks for me, then again I live on the East Coast so it is somewhat understandable.
I live in Kansas, so two days is still pretty absurd.
I could live with two days, but then again, it seems like I live in a black hole as far as shipping. It takes Evil Music (VA) longer to ship to me (I live in Maryland) than it does for THR (Sweden). Moribund (WA) takes about a week and a half while Ajna (OR) takes 3 days max.
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