My Latest Purchases Thread

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Fuck, that's a grand haul! :eek: (Sorath's that is)

Me, I just got:

Ad Hominem - A New Race For A New World

(from THR, coincidentally)
Found used:

Mortiis - The Stargate
Twin Obscenity - Where Light Touches None

I decided to give Mortiis' earler stuff a go. I hope it's good, 'cause I want to like it. Why do people write off Twin Obscenity? This is really good epic death metal in the vein of Amon Amarth.

From Evil Music (arrived in 4 days):

Graveland - In the Glare of Burning Churches
V/A - Victory Through Total Domination III

I already have ITGOBC on the limited edition with Epilogue, but I wanted this version. I got the comp to hopefully be exposed to some more quality bands.

From PapaJosh:

Absu - Baratrum: V.I.T.R.I.O.L.
He didn't have all of my haul in stock, so it's those minus two items (I can't be bothered to find out which ones)... but I'm trading Nasheim tapes against CDs soon so I wynne anyway. UFcking fuck I'm hung over
Just got from TER.

VINTERSORG - The Focusing Blur

Can't listen to agalloch/nest since I am at college now :-<
Got my Woods CD yesterday. Ive listened to it alot but I dont think Ill comment untill I've had time to fully digest the album.

I also ordered-

Nifelheim- 13 Years LP
Nokturnal Mortum- Nechrist 2LP
was at the bookstore tonight. picked up Terrorizer #122, with Dillinger Escape Plan on the cover. At least I got the CD with the mag this time, so I don't feel bad paying so much for a magazine. The CD has 16 tracks, all from unsigned bands.
ordered from that spammer dude:

Godflesh - Us and Them (CD) - $4.00
Godflesh - Streetcleaner (TAPE) - EIGHT FUCKING CENTS
Cathedral - Hopkins (The Witchfinder General) - $4.99

Normally I avoid tapes, but eight cents is very hard to argue with.
If you don't like it, don't necessarily avoid California in the future, they are extremely different. I think you'd like California actually, it's like the most fucked up pop album ever done.
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