My Latest Purchases Thread

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Waiting these (some of them will arrive today)

Baptism - Wisdom & Hate LP
Satanic Warmaster - Black Katharsis 12"
Mortiis - Født til å Herske LP
BM Endsieg II
BM Endsieg III (mentioned this before)

And also 3 Sabbat 7" that I really don't care (coming in trade), but propably gonna trade them for something better.

And hopefully the new vinyl-player finally arrives today.
I just saw this on the "coming soon" area of No Colors' site. Damn those do those bastards ever know how to take my money away from me.

My signed version of Dark Tranquillity's Character arrived today. I am happy, and will now dedicate this weekend to analyze the signatures to figure which belongs to who.
hell yes i went shopping at the 99 cent store and got release- end of the light and convulse-reflections, for 99 cents each, brand new, not used. hoo haw!

both are 10 years old, but the release cd is really good, reminds me of testament-the ritual, with a bit of meshuggah
Funny, I thought Sublime wore bomber jackets. And black people - especially those into ska. Then of course you have any remaining mods. Oh and there is Oasis. They wear bomber jackets on the back of mopeds, no less.

Also, I wonder how many leftwing anti-nazi skinheads have been beaten up 'cos someone thought they were neo-nazis.

"Stop!! I'm wearing blue laces for fucks sake!".
"Ooops - so sorry dear chap!".
Today is a good day:

Tour de Garde Package arrived:

Clandestine Blaze - Fist of the Northern Destroyer
Nortt - Graven
Watain - Casus Luciferi
Sigrblot - Blodsband (Blood Religion Manifest)
Lethal - Demolition (MC)

and from the store:

Swans - Swans are Dead

and from Adrian

Swans - Various Failures CD-Rs
Behold The Arctopus CD-R
Nuclear Rabbit CD-R
A Playboy Magazine insert
A coupon for Stouffer's Pasta with the words "Daisy of Death" written on the back
Comedy Central Records Flyer
Especially Likely Sloth Sticker


Guns N Roses - Use Your Illusion I

My bro just walked in and gave it to me :erk: haven't acquired any GnR for nearly four years...
There's this awesome Swedish site ( that lets you design your own pins/buttons by uploading pictures from your own computer, and they print them and use their button maker so they look totally professional... I just made and ordered a few buttons through them:


They will be awesome.
all from trades:

Aeternus - Dark Sorcery (my second copy)
October Tide - Grey Dawn
Runemagick - The Supreme Force of Eternity
Dirge - And Shall the Sky Descend , 4 tracks , 73 mins , you like Neurosis ? Get this , it's amazing (if anyone wants mp3/cd-r let me know)
A top 10 2004.
The Pixies - Surfer Rosa

I think my indie rock collection has now reached the double digits. Judging from the limited stuff that I have, this genre is full of some absolutely brilliant fucking songs, but not terribly consistent albums. Since I know shit about the genre though, I usually pick up the "classics" so I might be missing some of the real meat. Either way, fun stuff. :)
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