My Latest Purchases Thread

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Dreamlord: If you don't end up liking that Pig Destroyer, I'll take it.

I just recieved:

Curse of the Golden Vampire - Mass Destruction

This is a Justin Broderick project. It's like Phantomsmasher meets Godflesh. Totally insane!
Well from what I hear so far, I like, but does it seem to you they've gradually grown very melodic and, I dunno, less Poison The Well-ish in this album? Hmm... well I guess that's not how I would describe it, it's just, not what I was expecting. I'm going to have to give it a few more spins before I can really comment on what's going on here. But as of late, I am digging it.
Black Winter Day said:
Have you even heard it...honestly? And no offense, but I wouldn't trust your (or most of RC's) opinion on a -core album. That's like wanting my thoughts on power metal.

@Nightmarez - yeah, it is more melodic, but the dude's growlish (almost death-ish) hardcore vocals just slay. It's better than Tear in the Red, but not as good as Opposite of December.
Stereo MC's - Supernatural (UK bonus tracks)

I stopped listening to rap over 10 years ago, with the exception of Stereo MC's, who still: :kickass:
Dreamlord said:
Have you even heard it...honestly? And no offense, but I wouldn't trust your (or most of RC's) opinion on a -core album. That's like wanting my thoughts on power metal.
yes, i've heard it several times (borrowed it from a friend) and while it is very listenable and sometimes very good, it's just sort of boring to me... i really don't have anything against -core in itself, but i can say that i haven't heard a proportional amount of albums i liked from this genre as much as, oh, say, black metal or death metal -- i can't say much about the genre as a whole; you're right, i would probably do a terrible job reviewing a -core album, thus why i will never do it and stick with other genres (although the RUNE cd has really grabbed me by the balls after not-so-good first impressions)
Eyehategod - Southern Discomfort

Terrorizer Issue #113
- Morbid Angel cover
- Album of the Month: Iron Maiden - Dance of Death (I guess Terrorizer got crap for promos last month, hahaha)
Dreamlord said:
Eyehategod - Southern Discomfort

Terrorizer Issue #113
- Morbid Angel cover
- Album of the Month: Iron Maiden - Dance of Death (I guess Terrorizer got crap for promos last month, hahaha)
It should be noted that Grand Magus - Monumentum got co-Album of the Month, along with Iron Maiden. Look closer.

I have the Grand Magus CD in question, and if you like, 70's style stoner metal, it's awesome.
It should also be noted that I purchased that Terrorizer mainly for the Bill Steer article, which was missing. :mad:
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