My Latest Purchases Thread

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Oh, and I broke down and placed an order:

Asphyx - The Rack (reissue)
Einherjer - Blot
Falconer - The Sceptre of Deception
Falkenbach - Ok Nefna Tysvar Ty (digi)
Into Eternity - Buried In Oblivion
King Diamond - The Puppet Master (digi)
Place Of Skulls - With Vision

Now I sure hope I get that job ;)
Don't like Seasons? Yer nuts. :p

The only Slayer that I find kinda weak is Hell Awaits. Besides the latest two, which were pretty weak.
NAD said:
The only Slayer that I find kinda weak is Hell Awaits.
Hell Awaits always will have a special place for me because for whatever reason, it was my favorite in high school.

I think every Slayer album is worth owning. I don't own them all myself (legitimate copies at least), but I'm slowly working on it...
markgugs said:
Falkenbach - Ok Nefna Tysvar Ty (digi)
Into Eternity - Buried In Oblivion
King Diamond - The Puppet Master (digi)
You got it goin' on! I reviewed each one of those. \m/ Each one is a near perfect album, with Into Eternity probably being the most innovative & mind blowing.

Place Of Skulls - With Vision
Let us know how this one is. Were you looking for that Grand Magus as well?

Have to say, the new Einherjer is a bit 'hit and miss'. Some of it is outstanding, and some of it is so-so. I guess I'd been waiting so long for the album, it was always going to be tough to live up to expectations after Norwegian Native Art, or indeed anything else they've ever done.

Now I sure hope I get that job ;)
In the bag. Go buy more!!
I finally completed my Slayer collection last year. Actually, I think I'm still missing Haunting the Chapel, but it pisses me off that stores charge full price for an EP so I still haven't picked it up. :)
Akercocke - Chronozon
Anata - under a stone with no inscription

(both of the above because of RC reviews)

Suffocation - Despise the sun (this ep has more riffs packed in 15 minutes than in some bands entire catalog ... these guys are masters at fleshing out a killer song in 2-3 minute lenghts)
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