My latest work: Little Jack - A Choice of a Jack (rock)


I just wanted to show you the latest release I worked on (recording, mixing and mastering), since I honestly like the music a lot and I'm quite happy with the way it turned out. It's a band called Little Jack, who I worked with on a four-song EP/demo. I went for a pretty raw but punchy mix rather than a really polished and over-produced (hate that term) one. I wanted it to feel and sound kinda like a good live show.

Working with the guys again was a joy. They really had their shit together the moment we stepped in the studio, and the amount of post studio black magic on these songs is really minimal.

Unfortunately I can't post direct links to the songs (at least yet), but you can listen to two of the tracks on my sample player. They're the two top-most songs titled Tick Tack Tock and If It Burns:

The EP is finished, so naturally I won't be changing anything at this stage, but as always I'm grateful for any feedback and I'll gladly answer any questions :)

And also, they're really, really hard-working and overall great guys, so if you dig the songs, you can show your support by liking their Facebook page, adding them on Myspace or digging the songs in Signmeto (these links have another song off the EP streaming):

Oh, and for the Finns of the board, the band was featured on YleX yesterday in the Uuden musiikin iltavuoro program, so if you'd like to, you can click like on that site too to get them more air time:

Thanks! :)
the guitars sound a bit too dry to my taste, otherwise pretty cool.

Yeah, I went for a pretty in-your-face and dry guitar tone. I wanted to respect the way the band sounds and not push my metal-oriented visions about the tone, and the guitarist's amp is a really cool one. It's a completely modded Monster, so I liked the idea of having the unique amp on the record. Cheers for the feedback!
Sounds nice man. Especially the vox. the guitars sounds a bit to thin and a little ugly in the highs. A little bit more room in the drums would have been nice. The band itself sounds a little bit like a modern sounding Pearl Jam. Good work man!!