My latest work (real drums/amps, Tomao reamps, Lyle Cooper drums)


Jan 10, 2005
This band is called Absurdist. It's my friends Marlon Friday and Lyle Cooper on guitar/bass and drums, respectively. They both did their own vocals for this as well. I am really proud of it, it's been a long project but we are finally done and it's my best work yet.


The drums are all natural except the kick. Guitars and bass were reamped by Mr. Greg Tomao. He was a life saver on this regarding the guitars, won't stop until everyone is happy. Tracked, edited, mixed and mastered by me during the better 2nd half of last year. And a fair warning, the vocals are a bit low on purpose, they aren't a focal point they wanted emphasized too much, it's more about the other instruments.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the track. If you dig this then please go to their FaceBook page and give them a like and grab a copy of the CD whenever they release it!
Sick! I'm guessing most would classify this as grindcore? Vocal level sounds very appropriate for the genre IMO. \m/
I'm really digging the snare, especially around the 1:20 mark when it opens up a bit. What's that percussion going on around 1:06 that's panned hard to one side?

Just checked out your FB page too, I didn't realize you did the Noisear project. Badass!
What's that percussion going on around 1:06 that's panned hard to one side?

Sounds like he's breaking up the blastbeat between the snare and toms. Probably inspired by this.

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Seriously awesome dude, excellently done - I guess it's already finished, so you're not looking for crits, and it's not like I'd really have any except that while I really like the overall guitar tone, the palm mutes are a little past the rumbly threshold IMO, might've benefitted from a touch (more?) C4; otherwise seriously pro sounding though, (vox are great) and I love the section musically starting at ~1:14, great stuff :headbang: (and what a pair of players, damn)
Thanks a lot guys, really appreciate all the kind words! :kickass:

@john: Hmm, maybe just low to me lol
@RogueLeader: Yeah, it's grind. I don't know if it's some sort of sub-genre of grind or what, though, haha.
@Revson: Yeah, as Colton said, he's just using toms, mainly the lowest floor tom, instead of snare for the blast beat for that section :)
@Marcus: There is a little on there (C4), but I was really trying to keep a lot of the raw nasty vibe.
@kaomao: The C4 on there isn't working very hard and there isn't a compressor on the guitars besides that, maybe the 2bus is what you hear? The mix is really slammed and does pump here and there but we all liked it so we said fuggit.