My latest work (real drums/amps, Tomao reamps, Lyle Cooper drums)

Hey guys. Thanks for the kind words on the guitar. Mike is one of the best dudes around to work with and I'm not just saying that because he is my friend. His editing skills, time consciousness, and fantastic ear brought a lot to this project. I really love the end product, and I'm really happy that I was part of such a fantastic project.

There's definitely some pumping on the mix adding to the bit of "whomp" of the guitars, but I like the pumping as well. It would be an easy change for Mike, but it's about making the band happy, and boy are they happy. They didn't even ask him to change anything on the mix :)
Lots of talk about the guitars and drums, but damn, that bass sounds MASSIVE. I like!
Haha, yeah one of my favorite parts about the project. I think Greg used his K2 amp for the grind portion and not sure about the cleans but it does indeed have a pretty fat sound. A couple of the other songs have bass by itself with drums.
My god, this is epic. The drumming is so powerful. The song itself is super brutal/heavy. All the tones are heavy. The buried vocals just give it that extra texture. The SINGLE issue I have is that when he's blasting on a tom, there's pretty obvious bleed issues as the ride all of the sudden comes in to the left/right side. Other than that, GREAT.
He's actually using two rides, one left and one right, btw ;) But, besides that, there are some spots you can hear obvious bleed, no doubt, just something I/we decided wasn't a big deal.

Snare chain is something like: EQ>Gate>EQ>Envelope Shaper>Waves H•Comp>EQ, after all that I also had the snare bus (had top and bottom going to a mono bus) with sends going to a verb and another for parallel compression.
Not yet, actually. They are working on that, need a vocalist and bass player for shows.