My latest work!

it sounds amazing man!!i like your production and band too!!
how it calls the band?

and...if you record with pod, could you share preset? this tone is very nice for me.good drums, real, programmed?:rock:
i think the vocs could use some more space delay or verb and could come up in a few spot, guitars could use some reduction on the highs to me seem a little bright..... sweeps needs to come up some getting buried in the rhythm.... sound like your on the right path
sounds awesome bro! Care to share some details about the recording? I need drum, bass, guitar, and vocal details lol

Drums are real and just replaced with Slate samples. The bass was recorded through my Sansamp, the guitars were through my Pod xt pro. Vocals were through my Beyerdynamic MC 834 condenser mic and to my digi002 pre.

Now I usually run rcomp on vocals with settings almost exact to yours but i switched it up and used c1 comp and your vocal chain on this one and it came out pretty nice i thought. Its got a different flavor than the rcomp and i kinda like it to be honest. Thanks Brian :kickass:
i love your drum sound! whats your settings?

Slate samples are a huge part of my sound to be honest. Now here is what i did on my end, I compressed the snare a bit for more smack and I ran a par comp buss of the snare, kick and toms and used c1 compressor and transient designer. There is no eq on the snare or toms and I also ran some z4 of the toms to give it some roomy/verb sound. I blended 2 kicks and eqed a bit of one and added some 65hz and then I high passed both up to about 60hz or so. There is some d-verb on the snare and just a touch on the toms but not much because they had the slate z4 samples going also. Thats about all i can think of right now at 7am. I might look at the session in a bit and let you know any more if i missed something....

Oh snare did have eq, just a high pass filter at 100hz. Toms have a high pass filter at 60hz and overheads have a high pass filter at 500hz and a 4db shelf boosting the highs to brighten cymbals up.
i think the vocs could use some more space delay or verb and could come up in a few spot, guitars could use some reduction on the highs to me seem a little bright..... sweeps needs to come up some getting buried in the rhythm.... sound like your on the right path

Yea i usually do some delay on vox but i was diggin the dry sound on this one. More in your face you know, maybe i will try some delay anyway just to see if its sounds better. Now volume wise I thought the vox were loud and on the edge of almost being to loud. Maybe I'm totally off on this but i will also look into that. Also I have not even touched the sweeps yet and they definitely get buried and need some eq adjustments and such.

Thanks again for listening and giving me your thoughts and fixes!! :kickass:
Ok i squeezed a few more db's out of the mix and I tried to darken the guitars a touch. I think the extra db's I squeezed kinda countered my eq cuts on the guitars a bit. Anyways i added a few short delays to the vox and fixed the end lead part. I still kinda want the end lead blended in the mix but i think it pops just enough now to not be buried. Let me know if you like it any better or if I'm moving in the wrong direction... 14.mp3
Joshua Wickman

another thing, mainly i love your toms sound, it´s awesome, i am searching for similar toms sounds in this forum...
somebody has similar toms sound? could share it?

Joshua Wickman

another thing, mainly i love your toms sound, it´s awesome, i am searching for similar toms sounds in this forum...
somebody has similar toms sound? could share it?


If you can afford them buy the Slate samples. I can't recomend them enough, as they have helped me improve my drum sounds so... so much!

Oh when i get around my pod I will look up that preset for you. I know there was nothing special it was just a amp, cab and mic with bassic settings and was fine tuned for a certin guitar. We tried another guitar with it and it totaly sounded like crap. So not sure how far it would go to getting someone else a good tone.
If you can afford them buy the Slate samples. I can't recomend them enough, as they have helped me improve my drum sounds so... so much!

Oh when i get around my pod I will look up that preset for you. I know there was nothing special it was just a amp, cab and mic with bassic settings and was fine tuned for a certin guitar. We tried another guitar with it and it totaly sounded like crap. So not sure how far it would go to getting someone else a good tone.

i´d appreciate a lot if you share your pod preset.
i was seeing steven slate prices and more things.
a lot difference between platinum (329USD) and LE (199USD)???
i like your drums and i love joey drums too in your OCEANO record.
i´ll have those samples in LE version¿
i´d appreciate a lot if you share your pod preset.
i was seeing steven slate prices and more things.
a lot difference between platinum (329USD) and LE (199USD)???
i like your drums and i love joey drums too in your OCEANO record.
i´ll have those samples in LE version¿

The kick is the only one of the samples that joey used on the oceano record that comes with the slate LE pack(kick 10). The snare(12a) and toms(new maple) are both on the platinum version.

I wouldnt say it's worth the money unless you're recording bands though. For cranking out your own demo stuff it wouldn't be necessary in my opinion.
Yea i usually do some delay on vox but i was diggin the dry sound on this one. More in your face you know, maybe i will try some delay anyway just to see if its sounds better. Now volume wise I thought the vox were loud and on the edge of almost being to loud. Maybe I'm totally off on this but i will also look into that. Also I have not even touched the sweeps yet and they definitely get buried and need some eq adjustments and such.

Thanks again for listening and giving me your thoughts and fixes!! :kickass:

Whats the name of this band? I still think the vocals need to come up a bit, after listening to it a few more times. Could use more bass as well, in my opinion.
Drums are real and just replaced with Slate samples. The bass was recorded through my Sansamp, the guitars were through my Pod xt pro. Vocals were through my Beyerdynamic MC 834 condenser mic and to my digi002 pre.

Now I usually run rcomp on vocals with settings almost exact to yours but i switched it up and used c1 comp and your vocal chain on this one and it came out pretty nice i thought. Its got a different flavor than the rcomp and i kinda like it to be honest. Thanks Brian :kickass:

Yeah dude sounds really good, what are these Rcomp/c1 settings you and brian are passing around.....i would like to compare numbers if possible....
Thresh around -40

Attack usually like .5ms or the fastest compressor will allow cause rcomp and c1 are different.

Release around 30-50ms

Ratio like 20.1

Then make up gain usually like 26-30 or whatever you need.

This is what settings I used with rcomp and I'm loving with c1 as well now. I used 50ms as release with rcomp but Brian used 30ms i believe so thats the only difference between mine and his settings.