My list of recommended releases for 2006 Part 2


Jan 10, 2002
Madison, WI
36. Unreal Overflows - Architecture of Incomprehension
The music on Architecture of Incomprehension is a nice mix of Death (most akin to Symbolic) and melodeath perhaps like the first Insomnium. The song structures are not overly complex, but there are some involved segments. The pace is rarely fast, and there is not much frenetic noodling here. The vocalist is a bit evil sounding for my tastes, but he's ok for this type of thing. This disc has faded somewhat for me over time, but I still find it to be worthwhile.
Decent Discs
37. Slayer - Christ Illusion
I was pretty much obligated to buy this considering Slayer did go back to their classic sound for the most part, and I bought Demiricous this year and other Slayer worshippers in previous years. I doubt Christ Illusion will have much staying power in my collection (3 years from now, I can't see picking it up over something pre-Divine Intervention), but it will probably get the occasional spin. It's weird to hear Slayer basically aping themselves just like all the other retrothrash bands out there have been doing for years now. I actually prefer many of those bands' output to Christ Illusion, but Slayer put forth enough effort on this one to warrant a purchase. My interest wanes to some extent during the latter part of the CD, but there is enough decent riffage and corpse fucking on this to keep my interest. Wow, this is the first album I’ve bought from the Big 4 of thrash since the atrocities that were Diabolus in Musica and Volume 8 - The Threat Is Real. I’m sure the new Metallica platter will be awesome though.
38. Crescent Shield - The Last of My Kind
Features the guitarist from Destiny’s End and the singer from Onward. Shockingly, Crescent Shield sounds mostly like a mix of, wait for it, Onward and Destiny’s End. Overall, the music leans more toward traditional metal than the thrashy power of those two groups, but it has a similar feel. Apparently, many metalheads do not care for the vocals of Michael Grant, stating that he is out of tune. I guess I am tone deaf because I enjoy his performance on The Last of My Kind.
39. Unearth - III: In the Eyes of Fire
This is a nice comeback from their lackluster previous effort. I’ve been into Unearth since their debut, The Stings of Conscience, one of the earliest metalcore releases, and it is nice to see the band has not given into the latest trends. They still employ only gruff vocals. No radio-friendly melodic choruses are present, but some of their riffs are quite melodic. Unearth is not breaking new ground with In the Eyes of Fire, but it’s an enjoyable release in an overstuffed genre.
40. Senate - The Great Northern Scene Kill
Yet another cool Canadian band. I think all the country needs is a quality Europower band, and they will have all of the metal genres represented well by their countrymen. This is aggressive, no frills thrashy death with in-your-face blackened death vocals. I would rather have the vocals be less obtrusive, but they don’t kill the disc for me. There’s some tasty riffage on display that inspires plenty of headbanging.
41. Meyvn - Splintered Skies
Meyvn music is mostly straightforward American power metal with some prog tendencies and lots of shredding guitars. The vocalist is relatively high pitched, giving this disc a touch of the 80’s. I guess they could be compared to Symphony X, but Meyvn is not as bombastic and overwrought as the darlings of the progpower scene.
42. Wolf - The Black Flame
After some initial disappointment, I grew to like this disc although it is the weakest in the band’s discography. The Black Flame is the latest testament to Wolf’s ability to consistently create fun, catchy traditional metal in the vein of the classics. On each of the band’s discs, the classics that are emphasized seem to shift. The music on this release recalls King Diamond’s mid-career albums, and, to a lesser extent, the first two Metal Church discs. There are three duds, tracks 5, 6, and 8, on The Black Flame, but nestled in between them is “The Dead”, which is one of the best offerings ever from Wolf. They have now released four consecutive CDs I enjoy, a rare feat. I hope they continue their winning streak in the future.
43. Leatherwolf - World Asylum
The veteran band returns with two original members and a new singer in Wade Black, who has since left the group. I was never a fan of Mr. Black’s work prior to his involvement with Leatherwolf, but he puts in a perfectly acceptable performance on World Asylum. The three part guitarmonies that helped make Street Ready my favorite hair metal release of all time are present on this comeback offering, although they are not as omnipresent or compelling. Some songs are much better than others, but this is an enjoyable release. The fact that it is sufficiently different from most of the current music I listen to will likely ensure it will get spun from time to time.
44. Gory Blister – Skymorphosis
The predecessor to Skymorphosis, Art Bleeds, was officially released in 2003, but I had been enjoying it since the band had independently sold a few copies several years earlier. Art Bleeds is one of my favorite complex death releases strongly influenced by latter day Death. I knew that Gory Blister was moving away from this style, as I had heard their less intricate, more diverse two demos leading up to Skymorphosis, so I was not surprised that the new disc bears little similarity to their previous work. The Death influence is almost completely absent. The disc gets off to a slow start, but it ramps up well by track 4. The many straightforward sections work pretty well and are usually at least somewhat catchy. The really fast segments don't do as much for me as they are not very dynamic or interesting, but they don't go on for too long at any given time. A little thrashy at times, this is still definitely a death metal release. Of course, I love any of their interjections of a little complexity - an offbeat drum fill here, a brief twisted riff there. I don’t like this nearly as much as Art Bleeds, but I respect the band’s desire to develop their sound and identity.
45. Decadence - 3rd Stage of Decay
Decadence plays a mix of latter day Death without the complexity, modern thrash, and classic melodic death, in that order of prevalence. The death vocals are provided by a young woman with the nickname of Metal Kitty. Thought you’d like to know that. I am still trying to hear their second disc. I’ve heard their debut release, and the band has certainly progressed admirably since then.
Acceptable Discs
46. Burn to Black - Mach 666
An amalgam of early Witchery, and latter day The Crown and Immortal. Straightforward thrashy death with a raw, retro feel. Stomping riffs abound. Burn to Black features Sam Dunn on bass, the guy who created the Metal: A Headbanger’s Journey documentary.
47. Scar Symmetry - Pitch Black Progress
I am big fan of Scar Symmetry’s awesome debut, Symmetric in Design. They took the Depeche Mode era Soilwork sound and made it much more engaging and catchy than the originators. Pitch Black Progress did not hit me like the debut, but I came to appreciate it over time. I decided I don’t care much for 6 of the songs, and I enjoy 7 of the songs. The last track, the Depeche Mode (Dedeath Mode? Depeche Mold?) worship song was the tiebreaker. PBB does not measure up to the debut, but it's definitely worthwhile.
48. Scartown - Legendy Bolshogo Goroda
Russian band strongly influenced by Children of Bodom and, to a lesser extent, latter day Soilwork. There are no clean vocals on display, but the songs contain their fair share of hooks. This disc also features perhaps my favorite cover art of the year. It’s deep, man.
49. Intronaut – Void
Void features one of the best drumming performances of the year. The drumming, as well as the rest of the music, is often reminiscent of early Mastodon, but it is not as energetic or compelling. The guitarwork on this disc does not mesh very well with my taste, as it is rather subdued and languorous. The barking vocals don’t help matters, as they frequently grate on me. An acquired taste, but it’s worth it for all the cool fills and interesting beats.
50. Dark Lunacy - The Diarist
I had heard Dark Lunacy’s previous discs, and they did not do much for me. I plan to revisit them soon, however, because I enjoy the somewhat symphonic melodic death on display on The Diarist. Newer Dark Tranquillity is a reasonable reference point for this release, although Dark Lunacy has more of a grandiose, atmospheric feel than the co-founders of the Gothenburg sound.
51. Kalmah - The Black Waltz
I finally liked Kalmah starting with their 2003 release, Swampsong. The Black Waltz extends their winning streak with its keyboard laden melodic death metal version of Children of Bodom. They seem to have eased off on their worship of the Children to some extent, as the riffage is less thrashy and not as crisp as on their previous disc.
52. Witheria - Infernal Maze
Some classic thrash riffage with blackened death vocals screaming over the top of everything. Not the most fitting vocal approach for this type of music, but I can overlook it. This is nothing phenomenal, but its worth a listen if you’re a thrasher.
53. Communic - Waves of Visual Decay
This sophomore effort offers a similar take on the Nevermore sound as that heard on Communic’s debut. As on Conspiracy in Mind, many of the tracks tend to overstay their welcome and drag on especially when they venture into doomy territory. The increased thrashiness of some tracks, however, is a welcome addition.
54. Demiricous – One
Total Slayer worship with modern death vocals. I guess these guys are trying to bring Slayer’s sound to the youth of today. I think Slayer themselves are still doing that, but there’s always room for a little more Satan. These boys can put together some nice riffs, but they sure are not big on originality.
55. Disarmonia Mundi - Mind Tricks
These guys tricked me to some extent as I have come to realize I really only like the first four tracks of this disc. That opening quartet is some nice Depeche Mode era Soilwork material though. Certainly, their most enjoyable effort since their completely different debut CD.
56. Angra - Aurora Consurgens
I never thought an Angra release would grace my list, but here it is. I only like the first five songs on the disc, but I cannot deny the excellent guitarwork on display and the catchiness of the tunes. I even like the vocals, which are not too sappy or over the top for me to handle. If these guys could shed their Eurocheese tendencies and their unappealing world music touches, I might like a full disc from them. I am not holding my breath, you understand.
EPs and Demos
Actual Time - Force of Patterns EP
Interesting polyrhythmic instrumental metal. Their best effort yet.
Anomalous - Cognitive Dissonance EP
Brutal semi-complex death that hints at good things to come, but they’re not quite there yet. The use of a drum machine might be a turnoff to some.
Anpher - 2006 Demo
Eclectic death with some melody and some progginess. A promising band.
As Eden Burns - Trace the Artery EP
Thrashy modern melodic death with abundant fluid leadwork.
Forces at Work - Reverse Feng-Shui Audio Guide EP
This is a rather refreshing and exciting 2006 release. Their music is hard to describe as it is it somewhat novel and quite eclectic in its mix of styles. My standard crazy band comparisons of Thought Industry and Spooge come into play here along with perhaps some Sieges Even circa Sophisticated, but really you just need to hear these guys for yourself The vocals are all over the map, from melodic clean (but still quirky) to gruff thrash vocalizing to growling. Forces at Work is a very promising band, and I look forward to hearing the insanity they will come up with next. I still need to listen to their older material to see if it measures up to the greatness of this EP.
Gnostic - Isolate Gravity Demo
Decent semi-complex thrashy death featuring Steve Flynn, the drummer for Atheist.
Mastery - Lethal Legacy EP
Instrumental thrash in the vein of Heathen – Victims of Deception.
Good Stuff from 2005 That I Heard in 2006
Collapsar - s/t
This is a very good slab o complex instrumental metal. It has some polyrhythmic dissonance a la Meshuggah, but that's only a small part of their sound. Except for a few slower, more ambient sections, this is involved and involving material.
Dead Head – Haatland
Catchy, energetic thrash that is a mix of classic Kreator and more modern Slayer-inspired throwbacks such as Dew-Scented. From what little I have heard of their previous material, it sounds like Dead Head improved dramatically on Haatland.
Falchion - Legacy of Heathens
Straightforward folky death somewhat similar to the last Mithotyn offering.
The Knife Trade - The Annihilation of Expectation (split album with Through the Eyes of the Dead)
Modern death with a mixture of melody and thrashiness.
Kragens - Seeds of Pain
Pathos meets Nevermore with some 80's American power metal. The singer sounds a little silly when he tries to be really aggressive or scary, but his clean melodic vocals are quite good. Great riffage and leads too.
Ruin - Aggressive Magnetism
I don’t know if I should call this death metal. The vocals are growlies, but the riffs are mostly fluid, melodic guitar lines with little heft.
Scrambled Defuncts - Hackled in Gore
Another semi-complex death grind band in the general vein of Psycroptic and their ilk, but the music is not as frenetic or involved. Oddly enough, I actually hear some Obliveon circa Nemesis in some of these songs.

Serdce – Cyberly
I had been searching for this complex death metal release from this Belarus band for over a year until January of this year when I received it as mp3s. Later this year, thanks to the kindness of Matt Johnsen, I got my hands on the actual Cyberly CD and their previous, but less remarkable, release, Aritmia. There is a proggy vibe throughout Cyberly with all of the musicians, even the bassist, standing out at one time or another. Atheist and Scholomance strike me as possible benchmarks, but Serdce has their own style. Cyberly is certainly a must have for all fans of this style of intricate, aggressive music.
Disappointments in 2006

Aghora - Formless
Andromeda - Chimera
Casket Garden - Open the Casket, Enter The Garden
Dark Flood - The Dead Lines
Disillusion - Gloria
Enforsaken - Sinner's Intuition
Frozen - Enemy Soil
Herod - Rich Man's War, Poor Man's Fight
Himsa - Hail Horror
Hypnotheticall - Promo 2006
Korum - Ockham's Razor
Mystic Prophecy - Savage Souls
Pain Confessor - Fearrage
Persuader - When Eden Burns
Rage - Speak of the Dead
Reckless Tide - Helleraser
Shadows Fall - Fallout from the War
Sikth - Death of a Dead Day
Skinless - Trample the Weak, Hurdle the Dead
Tankard - The Beauty and the Beer
Textures - Drawing Circles
Twelfth Gate - Threshold of Revelation
Virgin Snatch - In the Name of Blood
Witchery - Don't Fear the Reaper
Yyrkoon - Unhealthy Opera
LOL! :lol:

Nah...that's totally cool. I respect John's opinion & admire his honesty...and if our CD didn't live up to his tastes or expectations, I'm cool with that. Plenty other people loved it & most importantly, we're happy with it & enjoy creating/playing our music.

Plus, I'm looking forward to what people think of our potential new singer & the new songs we're currently writing.

BTW, for those of you in the Chicago area, we'll be debuting the singer we've been working with on Friday, Feb 10th at Legends in Addison,'d you like that plug. :p And we'll be playing with Scott's new band Mindwarp Chamber & Sacred Dawn...unfortunately, Ion Vein recently cancelled...sorry guys!
BTW, for those of you in the Chicago area, we'll be debuting the singer we've been working with on Friday, Feb 10th at Legends in Addison,'d you like that plug. :p And we'll be playing with Scott's new band Mindwarp Chamber & Sacred Dawn...unfortunately, Ion Vein recently cancelled...sorry guys!

No Ion Vein? Dammit, I'm not going!

Wait, there's beer at these things, right?

OK, I'll still be there. :)

I've wanted to to see Mindwarp Chamber and Sacred Dawn again ever since Chicago Metal Anthem last year.

Rob, can you (or do you want to) give us a teaser about the new vocalist? Is he Scott-like or Red-like, or somewhere in between? Or none of the above?

Rob, can you (or do you want to) give us a teaser about the new vocalist? Is he Scott-like or Red-like, or somewhere in between? Or none of the above?


Well...vocal-wise, let's just say that the new guy can do Scott justice better than Red could ever dream...and he can do Red better than Red could ever dream. :p

I think you guys will be just as impressed as we are...unless of course his nerves get the better of him...this is a special night for the guy. ;) I'm sure he'll do great! :kickass:
Well...vocal-wise, let's just say that the new guy can do Scott justice better than Red could ever dream...and he can do Red better than Red could ever dream. :p

Considering I thought Red sucked more than a $2 hooker who's $100 short on rent money at the end of the month, all I can say is... UPGRADE!

GateXII said:
I think you guys will be just as impressed as we are...unless of course his nerves get the better of him...this is a special night for the guy. ;) I'm sure he'll do great! :kickass:

Looking forward to hearing what you guys have planned for that night... Well you all be taking longer sets now that IV has had to cancel, or are they going to be replaced with another band?
Considering I thought Red sucked more than a $2 hooker who's $100 short on rent money at the end of the month, all I can say is... UPGRADE!

Looking forward to hearing what you guys have planned for that night... Well you all be taking longer sets now that IV has had to cancel, or are they going to be replaced with another band?

Wow...harsh...but funny as hell! :lol:

And for the show, we've actually got a TG karaoke type thing planned. :p The new guy (Aaron) will start with 2 songs, then our buddy John from Eden's Fall with come up to do 2 (since he filled in for us for a couple shows after the shit went down with the "other guy" & we had fun), then Scott will come up for a couple, then to close the set, Aaron will do 2-3 more. We're just looking to have fun & see how Aaron does live without putting too much pressure on him.

And actually, originally, we were gonna start pretty early & Sacred Dawn would be playing pretty late as the fourth with IV cancelling, the show will start a bit later (about 10pm) & that way SD won't have to be stuck playing at like 1am...more comfort room for the night.

Later brutha!
WOW!!!! Someone had a lot of free time to write and post on a forum that maybe 15 people read!

This post has been brought to you by SPCN, The Society of People Who Contribute Nothing.

Plus to brag about thier bad taste in music.

Says the man wearing Elvenking Underoos.

Why not go into his post, pick a band or two in his list you don't like and tell us why you don't like them? Go on, I dare you! I double dog dare you! :p

I am shocked that he had Angra listed there.

You and me both. I was impressed that he liked half the CD. There's hope for him yet. Obviously, John's tastes run more in the technical / complex metal direction so I count it as a point of victory that a power metal CD got in there.

John's also the one who introduced me to Elvenking's Heathenreel a few years ago. So you can put +1 next to his name for the number of Elvenking fans he created :)

You and me both. I was impressed that he liked half the CD. There's hope for him yet. Obviously, John's tastes run more in the technical / complex metal direction so I count it as a point of victory that a power metal CD got in there.

John's also the one who introduced me to Elvenking's Heathenreel a few years ago. So you can put +1 next to his name for the number of Elvenking fans he created :)


Yeah, I mostly like the complex and the thrashy, but I like stuff like Wolf and Pharaoh too. And don't forget Divinefire, praise His name!

Heathenreel is a great disc. I have tried all of their subsequent releases, but I did not care for any of them. I miss the speed metal edge of the debut.
You and me both. I was impressed that he liked half the CD. There's hope for him yet. Obviously, John's tastes run more in the technical / complex metal direction so I count it as a point of victory that a power metal CD got in there.

John's also the one who introduced me to Elvenking's Heathenreel a few years ago. So you can put +1 next to his name for the number of Elvenking fans he created :)


I'm liking this guy more and more every day now!!!:)