My Manticora interview now posted!

Cool interview JD! Thanks for not bringing up the "Biff" incident. :erk: The new albums sound like they ought to be really cool! Already looking forward to them. :headbang:
Great job JD!!! It made me curious though on what happened between Dan Simmons and the book. Had Manticora told them before making the album? Or after it was released he heard about it?
Wheezer said:
Cool interview JD! Thanks for not bringing up the "Biff" incident. :erk: The new albums sound like they ought to be really cool! Already looking forward to them. :headbang:

Thanks Brent!!! The new albums sound Awsome!!! When he mentioned it was based in New England I had to take a five min break from the interview! I had to let the Fanboy freak out pass hehehe ... Dude had I remembered the Biff incedent I would have brought it up for sure!!! :loco:
kittybeast said:
Great job JD!!! It made me curious though on what happened between Dan Simmons and the book. Had Manticora told them before making the album? Or after it was released he heard about it?

Thanks Kitty! I can tell you what I know of the situation ... The band had written the entire Hyperion album and I believe they were getting ready to go into the studio but they got ahold of Dan Simmons Agent before they did so ... Dans Agent told them no when asked to use the material ... So they went back and rewrote the album so it didnt include any names or anything else that would infringe the copywrite and released the album ... which I believe pissed Dan Simmons off ... because they went ahead and did it ... the one thing I dont think Simmons takes into concideration is the guys were working on a time frame and had to get to the studio they had to go with this concept cause they didnt have time to do another IMO ofcourse.... another thing he doesnt see is that the band didnt make the record to make money off of his name it was in Tribute to his creation
kittybeast said:
Well then Dan Simmons sucks then... does he thinks he owns the word Hyperion?!?!? He might want to google it.....

There are software firms, book companies and many others using the name Hyperion. Oh well, too bad for him he couldn't see that the band completely loved the books and wanted to do a concept album to 'honor' his works.

I bet the name pissed him off too and if he could nail them for that to he would ... but it was them Basing their album off of his concept even though they made sure not to put any names of People, places, or things in the lyrics it ... ofcourse since he has never bothered to check it out he wouldnt know that .... also .. apparently there is a movie being created based on the book and they (DS, and Agent) think it will somehow interfere with their movie soundtrack ... dont ask me how hahaha ... maybe someday Mr.Simmons will pull his head out of his ass long enough to check out their tribute to him :erk:

Though he really is a wonderful writer and I enjoy his books very much :D
Faaaaar Out, JD! What a great interview and I loved the friendly formatting...two guys chatting. Nice touch, man! I am sure you were on cloud nine at the time. I remember that feeling when I first met and interviewed my NASCAR drivers...guys I had watched for years on television.

It's sad that Dan Simmon and his management have to be such assholes about the whole deal. People write songs and albums based on Stephen King all the time, and he doesn't make a big stink about it. But then again King is a rock and roller. He likes to write his books with Metallica and AC/DC blaring out of the speaker.

NP: Manticora on Myspace
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Faaaaar Out, JD! What a great interview and I loved the friendly formatting...two guys chatting. Nice touch, man! I am sure you were on cloud nine at the time. I remember that feeling when I first met and interviewed my NASCAR drivers...guys I had watched for years on television.

:D I'm glad you enjoyed it! I was aiming for a warm atmosphere and nailed it! .... I had all the questions ready in a notebook on the desktop, but with the flow of the conversation I had to rewrite alot of them and come up with more on the fly .... which is fine but sometimes the air is pretty thin on cloud nine :loco:

Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
It's sad that Dan Simmon and his management have to be such assholes about the whole deal. People write songs and albums based on Stephen King all the time, and he doesn't make a big stink about it. But then again King is a rock and roller. He likes to write his books with Metallica and AC/DC blaring out of the speaker.

NP: Manticora on Myspace

My theory is that Dan is stubborn he feels he has been wronged and now he is going to be a stick in the mud .... though I do highly doubt he is much of a rocker :lol:
JonnyD said:
:D I'm glad you enjoyed it! I was aiming for a warm atmosphere and nailed it! .... I had all the questions ready in a notebook on the desktop, but with the flow of the conversation I had to rewrite alot of them and come up with more on the fly .... which is fine but sometimes the air is pretty thin on cloud nine :loco:
He he, the air is ALWAYS thin on cloud nine! Excellent anology. How long did that take in IM? Was Lars a fairly fast typist? Was he doing his own typing?

JonnyD said:
My theory is that Dan is stubborn he feels he has been wronged and now he is going to be a stick in the mud.
I just don't understand this kind of behavior. I would be honored if ANY other artist from ANY other medium chose to base the theme of their art on the books I've written.

NP: Phenomena - Psycho Fantasy
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
He he, the air is ALWAYS thin on cloud nine! Excellent anology. How long did that take in IM? Was Lars a fairly fast typist? Was he doing his own typing?

well we shot the shit for a half hour fourty-five mins before we actually started the interview. the interview itself took about two and a half hours he typed out alot for most of the questions pretty quickly ... there was plenty of in between stuff I edited out ... and yep he was doing all his own typing ... cept for the part where his fiance took over hehehe

Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
I just don't understand this kind of behavior. I would be honored if ANY other artist from ANY other medium chose to base the theme of their art on the books I've written.

NP: Phenomena - Psycho Fantasy

I dont get it either ... I really hate to talk badly about him considering I like his books so much! but its hard not to! he's so damn stubborn!
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
You did a great job of editing, buddy. Pat yourself on the back.

As for Dan Simmons, just because you like his books doesn't mean you have to like him as a person. He wouldn't be the first asshole to be great at his art. And he won't be the last.

My sis gave me some help with the puntuation the rest was all me :D ... OH and the part were Fede says something along the lines that its ok as long as Lars gives her *A Good Time* ... A good time = Oral Pleasure hehehe I figured I would modify that part out of pure respect hahaha

As for DS.... you are ofcourse right Oh wise one! I really do hope that one day he does sit down and gives Hyperion a good listen with an open ear! ... Hell if it wasnt for Manticora I wouldnt own nine of his books now!!! ... hehehe anyways Thank you Ryan!!!
JonnyD said:
Thanks Brent!!! The new albums sound Awsome!!! When he mentioned it was based in New England I had to take a five min break from the interview! I had to let the Fanboy freak out pass hehehe ...

They do!?!? What's a dude gotta do to get a taste of the new ones? Sounds pretty cool. You a fanboy? I could see that. :D

JonnyD said:
Dude had I remembered the Biff incedent I would have brought it up for sure!!! :loco:

I'm glad your memory sucks! :tickled: That was a great interview and written the way I like to read them -- two people sitting down for a chat. Are you sure you want to be a cook and not a Metal journalist? :headbang: