My mix lacks weight.


Feb 25, 2011
I'm pretty far into mixing this. There are some vocal parts that I haven't fixed yet, and the delay parts that I'm still tinkering with to get the right levels. There are keys that will be added, as well, no clue what they will consist of.

Just wanted to post this here to get some feedback. I like the sounds that are happening, but when I listen to references (for instance, the Orpheus songs), my mix just seems thin.

Is it the bass? Guitars? As usual, the low end fucks my ass.

I'm also having a hard time getting toms to really BOOM (have always had this problem).

The vox are also probably loud.

Oh, also, there is a lead part in the middle that is going to have an effect on it that I haven't added yet, that's why it just kinda hangs out for a while sounding odd.

Any advice would be appreciated.
To me guitars need more gain ,not in all parts,drums sound is maybe to "aggressive". And generally biggest problem with guitar sound is recording interface,preamp etc.And its sound OK on headphones.Guitar up front,bass down more "string" attack,and probably would be better.Hope this help in any way.