My Mix


Scott Cumming
Sep 26, 2011
Scotland, UK
Hey guys, first let me begin by telling you guys that i am in no meaning of the word 'a proffessional' at recording music but i am aiming to get pretty good!, i know the basics more or less, i am recording a song at the moment, and (since i'm still learning), could you guys tell me how i am? Wether its worth me continuing or just handing my work over to big time producers?

Even if it is just a demo (for my band!), i'd appreciate the feedback, or insight!

Bass/Guitars through podfarm, no obvious impulses either (i don't like them, i find them to be a bit high in the low end, or maybe i'm just a muppet :p), drums are all dropped in, no drumagog or drum processors. The glitch effect i did on my own, by cutting out sections of me hitting an open note.

Schecter C1 Hellraiser, diamond series.

Bass, peice of shit that was left at my house for some reason, think it reads boston on the top of it haha.

Black & Gold.

Thanks guys! :Spin:
Jeff is right, the drums in general sound very robotic and dry. The kick gets completely buried for good portions of the song, as do most of the drums. There's a lot that needs to be cleaned up in the low end. Everything is incredibly quiet, too, I can barely hear the track with my monitors half-way up.