My Modded 5150!

Nov 6, 2006
Taylor, MI
I just got my modded 5150 back
Mods include
El34/6l6 power tubes (Tridode,pentode, and off modes)
Adjustable bias circut added for biasing each tube independently.
Screen grid resistors on power board changed from 100ohm to 1k ohm

This clip is the El34's on high power(pentode mode) and the 6l6's on low power(triode mode)

I honestly just threw the mic in front of the the cab on this one.
its positioned between the dustcap and the cone angled slightly up.

Jeff td's di's>pro rmp> 5150> mesa 4x12> audix i5> presonus firestudio

Hp at 60, Lp at 11000

Im going to do a more in depth thread soon but for now tell me what you think!
Sounds great.
For my tastes slightly too dark, but otherwise no issues with the tone really