My Month of November Haul


Chef Metal
Jun 4, 2002
The Metal Kitchen
I figured since its been a fairly slow cd buying month 2 cds a week at best I would make a haul thread at the end of the month :grin:

Danzig - Circle of Snakes
Danzig - S/t .... Been loving the Danzig lately, and "Not of this World" is fun and easy to jam to
Into Eternity - S/t ... this is the first IE album I have them all now and can Definetly say this band gets Better with every album ... but their latest "Buried in Oblivion" Blows this one out of the water get it get it get it get it :loco:

Morgana Lefay - The Secret Doctrine
Morgana Lefay - Fata Morgana ... hehehe this band KICKS ASS ... take Old school Savatage and make it 500 tons heavier and you've got Morgana Lefay:rock: .... I think thats it but I got some Fanmotherfuckintastic tunes!
Kick ass!

I also picked up Danzig's debut this month! Awesome record! His early solo stuff has such a great atmosphere!!!

My November haul includes:

AC/Dc - Dirty Deeds
Let There Be Rock
Highway to Hell
For Those About...
Flick of the Switch

I'd NEVER owned any of these on CD. In fact, I'd really not been into them for about 20 years! I'd grown to diss & dislike them. And, only recently, did I discover the greatness of the Bon Scott era!!! AWESOME records!
Next up: "High Voltage" and "If You Want Blood..."!!!
SoundMaster said:
Kick ass!

I also picked up Danzig's debut this month! Awesome record! His early solo stuff has such a great atmosphere!!!
I have really been Digging the Danzig I'v been listening to How the Gods Kill alot to .... I know exzactly what you mean about the atmosphere ... it was partly the Atmosphere that turned me away from it for years but Lately I cant get enough ... We used to cover "not of this world" in one of my old bands a few years ago funny thing is I didnt actually hear that song untill this month:grin:

SoundMaster said:
My November haul includes:

AC/Dc - Dirty Deeds
Let There Be Rock
Highway to Hell
For Those About...
Flick of the Switch

I'd NEVER owned any of these on CD. In fact, I'd really not been into them for about 20 years! I'd grown to diss & dislike them. And, only recently, did I discover the greatness of the Bon Scott era!!! AWESOME records!
Next up: "High Voltage" and "If You Want Blood..."!!!
I remember when I was like 5 back in like '83-'84 Listening to Big Balls thinkin I was getting away with something :loco: ... the Bon Scott era was Far more Innovative in ways ... with Exception to the Song "Razors Edge" :)
I was never a big fan of the first Danzig album. The 2nd album is much better IMO.
Hmm. My haul. Quite mixed and I'm sure I won't remember them all.

Jorn - Out To Every Nation
Masterplan - Masterplan
Slayer - Still Reigning DVD (It's music so it counts!)
Therion - Lemuria/Sisius B
Windir - Valfar, Ein Windir
Seven Witches - Year Of The Witch
Mortiis - The Grudge

Wow. I think that's actually it. Slow month!
Psychonaut said:
Hmm. My haul. Quite mixed and I'm sure I won't remember them all.

Jorn - Out To Every Nation
Masterplan - Masterplan
Slayer - Still Reigning DVD (It's music so it counts!)
I love the Jorn disc, what do you think of it?
That inspired me to pick the Masterplan disc too!
I'm looking forward to the new one in January...
What did you make of the Slayer DVD?!
And Finally how's the Seven Witches record?!
I haven't picked that one up yet!
The Jorn is pretty good. I think I like the Masterplan better as there are more good songs. I like his voice.

Slayer DVD: Great! You can't beat it for the price.

The Seven Witches record is pretty good as well. I'm new to them and went with this one based on reviews. The 'epic' piece about Jacob is kind of a Mindcrime ripoff in some areas, though. James Rivera does a great job as always. I saw Wade Black sang on one of the earlier ones but I'm reserved in buying that one after a lackluster performance on Crimson Glory's Astronomica record.