My music has been stolen, WTF do I do?

I am a member of the SOCAN, which is kind of the musician's union in Canada, and recognized as a working musician, so I guess I have to file a copyright form every single day I lay down a new riff on tape?

Just a tangent but in order for SOCAN to do anything the "works" have to be registered with them (Credits, Recordings, Hardcopy per "work"). Also they will not protect musicians just follow and report revenue generating plays (Radio, TV, Live performances etc) and then collect the royalties on your behalf so I would just check with them if they have some resources, or if they can point you to resources that could to sort this out.
Hope it works out for you dude.

Man i fuckin love this
i laughed my ass off !!!!!! I need that man thanks hahahahahahahaha:kickass:
I wonder if he's ever going to come back with a retort. This thread can't die this soon.

Been busy with audio production a lot since the last month, and reading this makes me fell that assholes are commonly found all around the earth, not just here in Quebec.

But honestly, having signed some real contracts lately for my first 2 commercial releases, I will admit that I did not let anything ambiguious in the contracts, so there's kind of a lesson there, I guess.
Most of you that talked crap here can go fuck yourselves, I'm not feeding your psychosis with even the smallest anwser.
Been busy with audio production a lot since the last month, and reading this makes me fell that assholes are commonly found all around the earth, not just here in Quebec.

But honestly, having signed some real contracts lately for my first 2 commercial releases, I will admit that I did not let anything ambiguious in the contracts, so there's kind of a lesson there, I guess.
Most of you that talked crap here can go guck yourselves, I'm not feeding your psychosis with even the smallest anwser.

Except for this one :loco:
First two commercial releases?

Make sure you get paid up front, if they hear the quality of your work - they might want their money back.