My new Mesa Boogie Roadster 2x12 cab(and Snarx Fx)

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
Got this a couple of weeks ago but haven't really played it to much. Holy shit this cab is tight as hell! It sounds fricking awesome with my Axe fx setup.

I recorded a bit of Axe Fx with it on pretty low volume. No post effects what so ever. I just learnt to play this Machine Head riff, yes I suck... :blush: Recorded with a SM57, pretty low volume(you can hear the strings in the background)

whaddya guys think?

Also feel free to eq the file all you want and upload...
Sounds a bit boxy to me. Not sure that's the correct term, I just don't like cabs that have the acoustics of a small box.