Hey Sloan, thanks for the comments!
I would make the header way smaller and increase the main content width to at least 900px, i think 960px is used widely now. Also, that background under the content clashes with the white text (in my eyes). I really like the idea of having a nice static background and putting your main content on a partially transparent background/div.
Check out the Tom Waits site for an example:
Perhaps you could incorporate images from your studio as the backgrounds?
The header point is a valid one, and I actually fiddled around with the size quite a bit but ended up with it as it is

About the width, quite a few people thought the layout is already too big, so I didn't want to push it. The background idea would require a completely different design, though, and that ain't happening too soon
I also like any website having to do with music/audio/bands to have the audio almost the first thing I interact with. It would be great to have the audio on every page, I am interested in trying jPlayer on my band's site since it does that, but I track stats via the reverbnation player, so i'm holding off on that.
I agree about the player, and it's pretty easily done by using frames and including the player in one of the static elements, but then again I really want the player to be big enough so people don't have to scroll it up and down. A drop-down, single-row player would be an option, but that would require custom Flash work. I might still look into that!
Put your social networking icons on the very front!
The way things are going, the Facebook site seems to be the very first place people find me at, so the website is often the place where they are directed for further information from Facebook
I'm not sure what your using to design, looks like photoshop?
I have been highly recommending Wordpress for websites after using it. It's everything I wanted back when I was hand writing html. Very easy to use, just install in your server, find a theme that's close to what you need, alter the theme to suit your needs and then just put it all together. Amazingly easy to administer.
Yup, Photoshop. I'm familiar with Wordpress, having configured several WP sites and webmastering one at the moment, and I agree it's really easy to administer and rules for sites where you need several contributors, but I don't have any need for the dynamic content possibilities and I find the visual customization in WP rather awkward, so it doesn't quite fit my studio site's needs

I want to keep the website static, like a glorified business card. Facebook serves the purpose of updating the news and interacting with people great for me!