my newest Deathcore Project.

Meh, overall. There's a lot I'd change about this mix.
If you're using DI's, ESPICALLYYYy.

The rhythm guitar tone is extremely muddy and not punchy and in yourface at all.

they're DIs.

I've been trying to fix the muddiness.
I took some cut around 220 and it helped.

I didn't use TSS or a TubeScreamer at all on this one. trying something different.

any ideas?
I'm a little stuck.
guitar tone is not workin at all dude, gotta reeeally clean up those low-mids. if you have DI's down i'd suggest starting completely from scratch with another amp-sim platform. didn't you say you had podfarm?
guitar tone is not workin at all dude, gotta reeeally clean up those low-mids. if you have DI's down i'd suggest starting completely from scratch with another amp-sim platform. didn't you say you had podfarm?

Since I uploaded this morning, I added a bit more edge to the guitars.

I gotta say. I've had worse luck with podfarm.
however, the guitarist seems pretty happy with the tone I dialed in for him on this one. and he rocks a pretty amazing tone live.
maybe it's my listening situation, but the tone of the guitars are very similar to every recording they're shooting for.

The first demo I did with this band had an edgier tone, but it lacked the power that I have this time around.

as for the low mids, the amp sim's mids were at about 2.5, I've cut some of the low mids out of the Guitar EQ as well.
and on top of that, the quick master has a slight cut on the low mids.

should I just say screw the mids all together?
I'm about confused as to where to go from here.
Well, i think me and the other dude are just trying to be nice here.

What we're trying to say is that for amp sims, those guitars are horrible quality, man.

EQing wont fix it.

Try starting with a new tone, with less lows, maybe.

Using 6505's i usually have the gain around 1.2ish, never had it above 4 before.
Lows, 4-7. (sometimes the guitar just REALLYYY wont give off ANY lows, and you gotta crank it. but try not to go too high)
mids: 2-5.
highs: 5-7.
Res&Pres: 5

I dont mean to sound arrogant or mean or anything.

Just trying to give you the best advice that you seek.
I didn't take anything offensively.
sorry if you got that impression.
Like I said, I was trying something new. I had never used any of the guitar chains before. which is why I tossed it out here to begin with.

my settings were:
Gain: 4
Low: 7
Mid: 2.5
High: 7
Pres: 6

of course, I did quad track so maybe I need to back off the gain all together as well.

I'll reamp the guitars with your suggestions and see what I come up with.