My next 'big push' band


Jan 11, 2006
Every once in a while I latch onto a band. Then I talk the hell out of them to hopefully get others to notice. Two of these bands, Elvenking and Voyager ended up on the PPUSA stage. Not because of me, but partly because of the energy of the fans. But they made my day. I'm still working on Reversion and Malpractice, but they need to do some more work too to help me out (hopefully new albums coming from them). Anyhow, I don't stop until everybody that can still tolerate to listen to me, has fallen in love with them.

I'm a bit late to the party with this one. However, after seeing all kinds of power and prog-power bands being pushed that I scratch my head over, let me start my push for this fantastically talented band.

Machinae Supremacy

This is from their latest, which is their strongest (and best quality recording).

Now I have no idea what this band is singing about, even with the lyrics. But, this is a supremely good band (see what I did there?).

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Hey, these guys do have a cool sound! The singer's voice is unique in a good way and I like the "spacey" vibe that they have. It reminds me of a much heavier Angels & Airwaves. I really dig the Dark City cut!

This is actually pretty cool. I went and snagged those free albums off their website. Cool they have them available as FLAC, even! That Deus Ex Machinae album is pretty damn good and sound great on my rig. I'll have to go see if their current albums are on eMusic. However, to some folks, this may come off sounding a bit "video gamey", but hey, I grew up with video games and still think it sounds cool!

EDIT: They are on eMusic! Both A View from the End of the World and Overworld are on there. I'll have to grab them. I am really liking this Deus Ex Machinae album that I got off of their website for free. Yeah, it has it's "video gamey" parts, but at the same time, there are some really epic sounding tracks with full orchestration on there as well! Some of this shit is heavy as hell as well. The vocals do take some getting used to, but are actually quite cool and, as was already mentioned by another on here, the guy does have a pretty unique sound.
I remember checking these guys out sometime ago and can't remember why I didn't give them a chance. Thanks for the post! Definitely going to check these tunes out again.
they have a few good tunes, but overall I just can't get into them....maybe it's the video game sound!??!??