welcome to my office. here is the room I work in:
notice the monster ac unit in the far right
turn left and you can see the blue chair at my desk:
here is said desk:
and it is also where my fellow coworkers sit:
pretty sweet, huh?
and we have a lovely view out our window:
look up and you can see a patch of sky:
we have a breakroom where I heat my lunch, refill my water and get coffee:
and the other place I spend my time, the server room:
yay! work!

notice the monster ac unit in the far right
turn left and you can see the blue chair at my desk:

here is said desk:

and it is also where my fellow coworkers sit:

pretty sweet, huh?

and we have a lovely view out our window:

look up and you can see a patch of sky:

we have a breakroom where I heat my lunch, refill my water and get coffee:

and the other place I spend my time, the server room:

yay! work!