My Poopy punk/metal core song (mix test)


Feb 16, 2009
Hey Sneap forum,
This be my first clip evar :zombie:
So this is just a mix test, I want to know what you guys think about the guitar tones, how everything sits in the mix ect ect. This is just a jizz away pop song and it took me like an hour to cut together. I just want to see if you guys think im on the right track. Piece of History.mp3
Podx3, Logic, and AD
I tried to keep the levels down with a compressor on the master and eq'd down alot of frequencies. I was reading "Slipperman's Recording Distorted Guitars Thread From Hell" and took a lot from the two sections on Compressing and Eq zones. At this point the Master track does not clip once which is good, all my levels are under control. You might have to turn up your speakers because I haven't tried mastering yet.
Dude. Way too compressed or at least muffled sounding.

About using a compressor on the master bus. Don't do it to keep the level down, but rather as a way to glue instruments (I'm talking about the MB still). If you don't want your master bus clipping, why not just turn the master fader down? Is there something I'm missing?

Yeah otherwise I reckon this mix would be pretty nice, just turn down the compression ratio and maybe the attack and release time. :)

EDIT: Maybe it's just the guitar tone. I don't know. I'm tired. Sorry if I am sounding like a complete knob-jockey.
Thank you! I did quite a bit of HP an LP, and the guitar tone is pretty much where I want it. I'll try messing around with the compression, and when I get a chance I'll post the full song in this thread, hopefully mastered.