My PP5 Website


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Mar 29, 2003
Slowly but surely I am getting my PP5 "story" together. I will have hopefully the most comprehensive and detailed recollection out there. As soon as I finish up Thursdays details I will be transcribing my interviews with Timo Kotipelto, Chris Caffery, and Jens Ludwig. I will then go into detail on FRiday, Saturday, and Sunday. Finally, as soon as he comes out of hibernation I would like to get Glenns recap on it all. Take a look and let me know what you think. Also if you have pictures of me with yourself or anyone else for that matter, please send them to me as I want the gallery to be awesome. Thanks.


hmmmmm.......what's up with this "a face only mother can love" comment beneath Andy B. Franck's picture?? This guy is one of the most attractive frontman in metal? You probably need glasses? Or did you mean the other guy on the pic? Or is it a language barrier?
Sorry being a guy I just thought that the face Andy made in the pic was a nice evil face. Nothing was meant to offend and I apologize if I did
The_Q said:
Sorry being a guy I just thought that the face Andy made in the pic was a nice evil face. Nothing was meant to offend and I apologize if I did

Didn't offend me at all. I knew you were talking about the expression on the face and not the face itself. And I totally agree with Savahex about his hotness!
SavaHexe said:
it would be nice if you answered my question The Q .........

Yeah Sean is a super great guy. I am sure he was only talking about the face Andy made. Sean and I were talking later about how much Brainstorm kicked ass. He meant nothing bad by that remark. Take a valium.

Bryant......I'm not takin' a valium, smartass, so chill out. It was a legit question.

The Q. thanks for answering, as I also assumed it obviously could have been a "language barrier", that happens with so many foreign people on a message board, nothing that can be cured with valium though ;)
Hell, I'll take a valium....
By the way, Sean (the Q) is "the other guy in the picture" with Andy and is a dear friend of mine. He is one of the nicest, sweetest guys you could meet. Anyone else who offends me with comments about Sean on any thread will get turned into a horney toad!
SavaHexe said:
?? I did offend you by asking a question about a comment to a picture? why?

If you go back and read the original comment you made, hopefully you will understand.
You were offended by the statement Sean (jokingly) made about Andy but apparently you thought it was OK for you to imply the same about Sean in your comment "maybe you meant the other guy in the picture".