My PQ Sketch

Mar 10, 2008
Abingdon, UK
Here's a rough sketch i did of the Master Of Illusion lineup for the band:


Hope you guys like it. feel free to suggest improvements for my next attempt whenever that will be
Thanks. it's good to see it on screen cos it highlights the mistakes - looks like i've got some serious work to do on Andrea and Steve Scott but to be fair i never was good at faces.
What I like about it is that you have your own style for drawing faces. I like that it isn't simply an attempt to exactly recreate a picture.

What would be cool to see is this pic compared with your drafting of another band or two.
i didnt recognise myself at first i had to do a double take , but good effort all round

i would still sign it !! :headbang:


:lol: as i said this is a rough draft for now but i don't get much time to draw so i thought i'd post it now. i will fix the big flaws at another time. i found it really difficult to draw your face for some reason.
Cheers for the comment Jasonic