My Sayreville, NJ story

bl AZN metal85

New Metal Member
Jun 1, 2005
That show was so fucking amazing! I bought 4 tickets right when they went on sale. I found out they went on sale 5 minutes before I bought them. I'm from MA. The show was in NJ. you do the math.

I got 3 people including me, we packed our shit up and went down there. Upon arriving, we parked the car and saw the line. We walked around the back and snuck into soundcheck unnoticed. We acted like we belonged and sat the fuck down. Some guy came over and asked us who we were with. After i said umm, that dude and pointed to some random guy across the room he left us alone. We were even there an hour even before the VIP people were. Then when the came in, we slipped into the crowd so that we were certain nobody would bust us, and they didn't.

After it was over, we went back to the car. We were parked right in the center of everyone leaving and entering and were told to move to the very front of the building. fuckin sweet. we got to laugh at all those people waiting in line and the yankee fans while we just chilled and listened to tunes and played Texas hold'em. Meanwhile, we decided we were going to cut the line cuz we didn't care. Some parking guy comes over and askes us for our pass. then tells us to go up the stairs on the left, cutting everyone. Well, a line formed there too, but we still cut them.

We each bought a limited edition caught in a mosh sayreville shirt, and went in. We were in the crowd for a lil bit and the first band played. they were alright. They had big shoes to fill since it was Among The Living Anthrax, so I need to give them credit. I liked their breakdowns though. When Anthrax finally came on, us 3 snaked and pushed our way up front.

Now I'll tell you, long hair rules, but not at a crowd-crush concert, it gets pulled like everywhere and it fucking is excrutiating. Anyone who knows will verify that. My eyeglasses also were fogging up so I had one of the bouncers put them on stage. I definitely saw better. All the songs were so amazing. I've never been in such a small venue and had such a crowd crush. It was the best.

During one of the songs, Joey actually found my glasses on the stage and put them on for that song while he did a jig while wearing them. WTF? That was so amazing. But when he almost threw them i was like =OOOO I got them back eventually though.

After the show we got on so many videocameras and snuck backstage for 2 hours to hang with Frank Bello and Charlie Benante. It was so sweet. Both those guys are the man. And we made fun of more Yankees.
bl AZN metal85 said:
We were in the crowd for a lil bit and the first band played. they were alright. They had big shoes to fill since it was Among The Living Anthrax, so I need to give them credit. I liked their breakdowns though..

Thanks! I'm glad someone acknowledged the fact that we had "big shoes to fill." It's the god damn truth, and not an easy task!! Aint everyday a group of guys get to open up for a band that they grew up idolizing. 3 times no less. :worship: :rock:
OverHandRob said:
Thanks! I'm glad someone acknowledged the fact that we had "big shoes to fill." It's the god damn truth, and not an easy task!! Aint everyday a group of guys get to open up for a band that they grew up idolizing. 3 times no less. :worship: :rock:

It kinda helps when one of the members of the band are related to Charlie I bet.
thraxx said:
Right on .... No pics????

sorry man, the only camera we had was my friend tom's and he left it in the car during soundcheck. since we snuck in, we weren't about to leave that. And during the show we were right up front trying to get on the DVD, so we decideed not to fuck up. We did get some kool group shots of us and Frank Bello and Charlie Benante. They're coming back to Worcester, MA where we're from in October so we'll meet the rest of the guys there and be sporting the 3 Caught In A Mosh Sayreville, NJ June 3, 2005 shirts. Theose guys are gonna go nuts when they see them. Maybe I'll have them sign the DVD. It'll be out by then. I only wish Married With Children Season 6 was out by then. I'd get that signed. I've got a movie collection signed by musicians. I've got The Wedding Singer signed by Billy Idol, Airheads by Lemmy, and Ace Ventura by Jack Owen and Paul Maz from Cannibal Corpse.
Buddy_Love_Bomb said:
It kinda helps when one of the members of the band are related to Charlie I bet.