The Radioactive Band

Apr 3, 2005
Well yeah I wrote another book. Well actually this one is in the making. I did the intro and part of Chapter Uno.

The Radioactive Band
By: Austin Kelso

The night was yet at an early age and we all had no idea what we were doing. We left my house due to the arguing of my parents and had no where to go. Kevin suggested that we all hang out and jam in his garage, but I said hell no due to the stench of Sean and how small and enclosed his garage was. We had a gig tomorrow and didn’t want to get too burnt out so we tried to avoid drinking to our best abilities. Sean was a blonde haired boy, as was his twin Kevin. They both were pretty tall and into metal (music) and the only real differences in them were that Sean reeked like a dead goat. Anyway before I get too distracted into details, I thought you might want to know that Sean looked up to Darrel “Dimebag” Abbott pretty heavily. Of course that would be pointless to tell if it had no meaning, but it does play a role later on into the story. So now we gave it some thought and figured that we had been wandering the streets for quit a while and that meant that my parents should be done fighting. We split from each other at about eleven PM and went off to our houses and got some rest for the gig tomorrow. A big surprise awaited us the next day and many incredible experiences that would start the many adventures of the radioactive band.

The crowd came into the auditorium single file, which was strange because, well when does a crowd ever do that? Yeah anyway several minutes after that, almost all of the seats and the pit were filled up and we were ready to go. With four strikes of my stick against the high hat we began. The crowd started to roar and all that other stuff they do at metal concerts and in the pit several people were naked. It was pretty cool. So now with stench lines coming from his hair. Sean began to shred away and perform one of his best solos. The crowd really got going and I’m pretty sure several people died due to moshing, but that always happens and we never pay attention. We got to the final song and the crowd kept chanting ENCORE ENCORE!! So like all great bands we didn’t give them one. We jumped off stage and went backstage and then had a couple beers, chatted about the gig, and tried to decide what we were all going to do now. Out of no where Kevin blurted out “let’s go to the nearest graveyard” which was pretty random if you think about it. So being the remarkably talented musicians we were, we decided to head on out and go to that graveyard. We got outside and it was pretty dark, which shouldn’t have been a surprise on account of it being one o’ clock in the morning. The graveyard was as eerie as could be and as dark as all the other graveyards you would read about in books. We probably should have been scared and what not, but I doubt anyone would attack us when we were with Sean. It’s not that he is strong it’s just that no one could bare the strong odor. To tell you the truth I don’t really know how I can stand it. By the way my name is Austin. Well anyway back to the story. I don’t really know how it came up, but we found ourselves reading the gravestones. Kevin likes to read aloud. I guess he likes to prove to us that he can read. So we kept on walking and had no destination in mind, but ironically we came to what seemed to be an abandoned house. It was made of pure wood and had shutters that were cracked all over. It reminded me of Sean’s and Kevin’s house. So like you would think, we opened the door and to our surprise it seemed to be a libratory of some sort. So with all the courage he had. Sean belted out “is anyoneere?!?” No one answered, but then I noticed that a door to the right of me was cracked open. So we went down and it appeared to be a long, dark staircase that appeared to lead to the basement. When we got down we saw one of the weirdest things we had ever heard, read, or seen in our lives.

That's it for now. I'll keep you updated.