Even Joey Says Spitz Is A Little Off...

Apr 4, 2005
Blasting-Zone.com: Any truth to the rumors that your again working with (former Anthrax guitarist) Danny Spitz?

Joey: “Danny and I were together for a little while...I think it was two years ago...I don’t even remember how we ended up together. He had some music that was a little off...a little different and we just got together. I think he was just overwhelmed that I even had any gear and was still working...I mean, I’ve been doing this a long time...long before I ever met those guys...back when I was still in high school. He’s a little different these days...he’s been out of it for a while so, we just had some fun putting together some stuff. We put a lot of songs together and I don’t know if they’ll ever see the light of day...I don’t know...it’s different. It’s just Danny and I...I was doing the drums... It was definitely fun, but it's sad when you put stuff together like that and your in the middle of it and it just doesn’t go anywhere... ...We talked about doing it, but things just weren’t right..."

www.Blasting-Zone.com said:
Blasting-Zone.com: Any truth to the rumors that your again working with (former Anthrax guitarist) Danny Spitz?

Joey: “Danny and I were together for a little while...I think it was two years ago...I don’t even remember how we ended up together. He had some music that was a little off...a little different and we just got together. I think he was just overwhelmed that I even had any gear and was still working...I mean, I’ve been doing this a long time...long before I ever met those guys...back when I was still in high school. He’s a little different these days...he’s been out of it for a while so, we just had some fun putting together some stuff. We put a lot of songs together and I don’t know if they’ll ever see the light of day...I don’t know...it’s different. It’s just Danny and I...I was doing the drums... It was definitely fun, but it's sad when you put stuff together like that and your in the middle of it and it just doesn’t go anywhere... ...We talked about doing it, but things just weren’t right..."


:OMG: "He had some music that was a little off... a little different." "He's a little different these days." Who fuckin' cares?! Yet another lame-ass attempt to stir up shit. As long as Danny can still play like he did, that's all I care about.
Come one guys! Did you really need to hear it from Joey? We have all known that Spitz is a little off for a long time. No offense to the guy, he can play, and that is what counts. But I would not want to be alone in a dark ally with him.

Or any one of you mothers for that matter..... :Spin:
Do ya mean he is weird.... The Christian Watchmaker thing isn't that strange, he just wanted to explore some new intrests.

I'm a Heavymetal Accountant.... I know I'm a little off! :)
Gibba said:
All the clockfixer needs to do is play guitar the way we all know he can. Tha's it. Plain and simple.

nuff said

danny show all the whingers and bitchers just what your made of and prove them wrong

5 weeks till anthrax play in melbourne and i cant fuckin wait , i'm gonna go fuckin nuts :rock: :rock: