Dan Spitz!!


New Metal Member
May 13, 2002
south part of Sweden
Anyone know if Dan Spitz has an official homepage??
I heard he is working on a new project...dunno if it´s good, I hope it isn´t built as a concept album to God...God´s a fuckin fake assed piece of mouses-sperm!:mad: :mad:
The latest of anything I've heard is from his 20Q, which, IMO, kills more brain cells than a 12-pack of beer and a bag full of weed combined. At the bottom it says that his website isn't up, but I believe it was spitzthrax.com or danthrax.com or something equally as stupid and gay (because he spends so much time denouncing Anthrax, then licks their nuts with his website's name). I think there were some rumors about him doing something or other with Joey, check some old threads around here about them doing something in Europe sometime this spring or summer.
I think Dan had some damn good points in his 20 questions and I think he's a smoking guitar player. And you know what, just think how many people hate Charlie and Scott now, it makes one wonder. This sucks, I bet for having my own opinions like this one I've just put I'll get ripped off something terrible!

Oh, and look how Scott couldn't answer back to Billy's statements about him. He just sort of in a way said of how he was shocked and that he was lying, as if we are supposed to believe that Billy wasn't speaking the truth Scott! I noticed how so many people said really awful things about Billy on this board after his 20 questions without even thinking about what he said and giving him a chance. You are all scared that maybe Scott and Charlie ARE really assholes, your willing to mock someone you don't know shit about. Fear causes Anger. I hope that Scott and Charlie are nicer than what I've heard about them, but how can I be sure if they are assholes and how can you guys be sure that Dan is an asshole and Billy is an asshole and Danny Lilker is an asshole??
I always just assumed looking at pictures that Frank was an asshole, but when I met the band he was actually the coolest of all of them.
Scott did a really cool thing by waiting for me to go get my guitar, which was two blocks away from the tour bus, for him to sign.
Charlie acted like he was pissed off about something. My friend that was with me (who is recently divorced) said that because Charlie is married he forgives him, as he was probably pissed at his wife....because he is married...makes sense huh?
Rob kinda hung out with us for a minute.
And John spoke to us briefly as he signed some stuff. John also dropped my buddy's ticket stub he was signing into the gutter on the street. My friend recovered the ticket stub, but bear in mind that this is a New Orleans gutter filled with a stinking brown liquid. We'll see if he dies in a couple of years from it.
Here we go again.........Scott didn't stoop to Milano's level. I'm could care less what kind of people they are because I don't read Tigerbeat, I let the music speak for itself. To sum things up I own every 'Thrax & SOD record but, ZERO M.O.D. albums.
Ringfinger, no one liked Dan's 20Q because he didn't form sentences properly, and I was under the impression that we all know that by 4th grade, 5th at the latest. He also seemed to be having an identity crisis, because he kept feeling the need to tell us his name. Not only can we read, we can also retain information for longer than three seconds, so the "ANSWER FROM ME DAN SPITZ" 700 times really wasn't necessary. No one liked Billy's 20Q because if he really has all these problems with Scott, why the fuck can't he pick up a phone and use it?? No, he has to involve the world. That shows immaturity. He appears to want to be taken seriously, yet he completely undermines that desire by making himself a laughingstock. If you want to blame US for that, go right ahead. As for "everyone" hating them, these two happen to be people they no longer deal with. Guess what?? You never say nice things about people you don't deal with anymore. There's a skank I knew in high school who whored around with all my male friends and then they cried on MY shoulder about it. Ya think if I saw her today I'd give her a hug?? And I'm sure she has plenty to say about me. Does that mean I'm a raving bitch to everyone I know?? Now, if Frank and Bush and Brent all ran around saying the same things as Billy and Dan, I might think they Scott and Charlie really ARE the assholes you want to think they are. But they still manage to deal with those they see on a daily basis, so I would imagine that there's way too much there to say who's "right" or "wrong" and that none of us will ever know the full story on both sides, so you go on assuming Dan and Billy are just speaking the stone cold truth and the rest of us will go on living in the real world.

HotRod, not every married man is pissed at his wife all the time. In fact, I'm pissed at my husband way more than he's pissed at me, I guarantee it. :) And as much as I love Bush, in New Orleans...I'd have let the damn thing go...

And DoG, I'd have thrown up on him... :lol:
"the Godfather of Rap meets Metal" - what?
that is too funny. almost so, it's not funny.
i don't know what to think.
is that a joke?